內容簡介 NETFLIX影集《獵魔士》原著《The Whitcher》系列獵魔士長篇 1: 精靈血繼《最後的願望》、《命運之劍》兩本短篇集之後,薩普科夫斯基以更廣闊的藍本,再度延續這個動人的奇幻故事。在這套全五冊的長篇故事中,他匯聚了一群不平凡的角色,為干戈無盡的諸國畫下輿圖。隨著故事進展,獵魔士生而為人的大哉問、種族衝突的立場困局、各種神話與哲學辯證的新穎觀點,被帶入這個充滿怪物、狡詐人物、複雜陰謀與情感的世界中。《獵魔士長篇》為奇幻文學帶來一場徹底的變革;為這個世界的輪廓與命運而戰的真實鬥爭,才正要開始。劍與斧的時代即將來臨,世界終將死於寒冰之中。讓我來告訴你會有些什麼徵兆吧!首先,精靈血將染遍大地……曾經,人類與精靈、矮人、地精等異族,在這片大地上和平共存……但時代已經改變,生存競爭挑起種族仇恨,一擊粉碎和平假象。即使是持守中立的獵魔士傑洛特,也對世界的巨變感到不安。北方諸王密謀對抗南方霸主,同時又權衡如何擴張各自勢力。精靈和非人類遁入密林,組織游擊隊攻擊人類。陰謀、鬥爭和叛亂四起。巫師之間則內鬨不斷,有的投效王室,有的同情精靈陣營。在這個充滿恐懼與敵意的大環境下,傑洛特為了保護琴特拉公主奇莉,將她帶回獵魔士的神祕根據地「卡爾默罕」。在這裡,獵魔士和女巫就是奇莉的家人,陪伴她、訓練她並給她溫暖。隨著戰爭陰影擴大,奇莉的能力開始威脅她的生命,並引來強敵追捕。命運讓傑洛特和奇莉成為彼此的羈絆,卻也迫使他們踏上錯開的旅途……華文世界的金庸 英語國家的托爾金在波蘭,是安傑.薩普科夫斯基波蘭國寶級作家.長篇首部曲獲獎無數的最佳RPG遊戲 巫師系列經典原著小說◎奇幻小說重量級獎項「傳奇獎」得獎作◎波蘭總理致贈美國總統歐巴馬的國禮◎五度獲頒波蘭奇幻文學最高榮譽 Zajdel 大獎本書介出自蓋亞文化出版《獵魔士長篇 1: 精靈血》The New York Times bestselling series that inspired the international hit video game: The Witcher.For over a century, humans, dwarves, gnomes, and elves have lived together in relative peace. But times have changed, the uneasy peace is over, and now the races are fighting once again. The only good elf, it seems, is a dead elf.Geralt of Rivia, the cunning assassin known as The Witcher, has been waiting for the birth of a prophesied child. This child has the power to change the world - for good, or for evil.As the threat of war hangs over the land and the child is hunted for her extraordinary powers, it will become Geralt's responsibility to protect them all - and the Witcher never accepts defeat.The Witcher returns in this sequel to The Last Wish, as the inhabitants of his world become embroiled in a state of total war.The Witcher seriesThe Last WishThe Sword of DestinyBlood of ElvesThe Time of ContemptBaptism of FireThe Malady and Other Stories: An Andrzej Sapkowski Sampler (e-only)
作者介紹 Andrzej Sapkowski was born in 1948 in Poland. He studied economy and business, but the success of his fantasy cycle about the sorcerer Geralt of Rivia turned him into a bestselling writer. He is now one of Poland's most famous and successful authors.