The Gendered Brain: The New Neuroscience That Shatters the Myth of the Female Brain | 誠品線上

The Gendered Brain: The New Neuroscience That Shatters the Myth of the Female Brain

作者 Gina Rippon
商品描述 The Gendered Brain: The New Neuroscience That Shatters the Myth of the Female Brain:你擁有的是女性的大腦還是男性大腦?或者,這根本是個錯誤的問題?透過神經科學


內容簡介 你擁有的是女性的大腦還是男性大腦?或者,這根本是個錯誤的問題?透過神經科學的最新研究,打破性別大腦的神話「作者以幽默的手法,為我們打造知識寶庫。」─《賀爾蒙戰爭》作者科迪莉亞‧法恩擅常閱讀地圖或閱讀情緒?喜歡芭比娃娃或樂高?人們生活在一個性別化的世界,終日被大量的性和性別訊息轟炸。每天我們都被根深蒂固的信念所影響,性別決定了你的技能和喜好,從玩具到顏色,從職業選擇到薪資。但不變的性別對我們的思想、決策和行為有什麼意義?對我們的大腦又意味著什麼?借鑒於作者Gina Rippon身為神經影像學教授的專業,揭露性別刻板印象如何轟炸我們,並展示這些訊息如何塑造我們對自身的想法,及形塑我們的大腦。書中回顧幾世紀以來的性別歧視,揭示科學如何被誤解或誤用於提出錯誤的問題。與其挑戰現狀,人們更受到過時的性別刻板印象和假設所約束。透過探索最新及前衛的神經科學,作者鼓勵我們超越對大腦二分化的觀點,將大腦視為更加獨特且極具強大適應性,充滿無限潛能的複雜的器官。'A treasure trove of information and good humour' CORDELIA FINE, author of Testosterone RexDo you have a female brain or a male brain?Or is that the wrong question?Reading maps or reading emotions? Barbie or Lego? We live in a gendered world where we are bombarded with messages about sex and gender. On a daily basis we face deeply ingrained beliefs that your sex determines your skills and preferences, from toys and colours to career choice and salaries. But what does this constant gendering mean for our thoughts, decisions and behaviour? And what does it mean for our brains?Drawing on her work as a professor of cognitive neuroimaging, Gina Rippon unpacks the stereotypes that bombard us from our earliest moments and shows how these messages mould our ideas of ourselves and even shape our brains. Taking us back through centuries of sexism, The Gendered Brain reveals how science has been misinterpreted or misused to ask the wrong questions. Instead of challenging the status quo, we are still bound by outdated stereotypes and assumptions.By exploring new, cutting-edge neuroscience, Rippon urges us to move beyond a binary view of our brains and instead to see these complex organs as highly individualised, profoundly adaptable, and full of unbounded potential.Rigorous, timely and liberating, The Gendered Brain has huge repercussions for women and men, for parents and children, and for how we identify ourselves.


書名 / The Gendered Brain: The New Neuroscience That Shatters the Myth of the Female Brain
作者 / Gina Rippon
簡介 / The Gendered Brain: The New Neuroscience That Shatters the Myth of the Female Brain:你擁有的是女性的大腦還是男性大腦?或者,這根本是個錯誤的問題?透過神經科學
ISBN13 / 9781847924766
ISBN10 / 184792476X
EAN / 9781847924766
誠品26碼 / 2681715687007
頁數 / 400
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 24.3X15.3X0CM
級別 / N:無
