The World As It Is: Inside the Obama White House | 誠品線上

The World As It Is: Inside the Obama White House

作者 Ben Rhodes
商品描述 The World As It Is: Inside the Obama White House:《紐約時報》暢銷書,美國前總統歐巴馬文膽羅茲(BenRhodes)白宮回憶錄。羅茲原本只是個年輕的作家,政治核心的局外人


內容簡介 歐巴馬夏日推薦書單 《紐約時報》暢銷書,美國前總統歐巴馬文膽羅茲(Ben Rhodes)白宮回憶錄。羅茲原本只是個年輕的作家,政治核心的局外人,卻在29歲的年紀,從歐巴馬講稿的捉刀者脫穎而出,成為國家希望與理性的塑造者,被委以重任的原因在於他有獨創的觀點以及語言修辭的天賦。本書闡述的是為世界做出重大決定的兩個人,一個是歐巴馬,另一個便是羅茲的故事。不管是每日清晨的白宮例行簡報、在戰情室等候突襲賓拉登的結果、與伊朗簽訂的核子協議、主導與古巴政府的秘密談判、到面對國族主義高升導致川普當選的時刻,羅茲都身在其中。將近10年的時間,羅茲從起初的演講撰稿人,到政策制定者,最後成為歐巴馬各方面的助手與親密戰友。與天生的領導人共事,有什麼樣的意義?理想主義如何在現實中存活?白宮的實際運作情況是什麼樣子?與這個創造歷史的總統從工作夥伴到成為朋友的過程又是如何。本書生動地描繪出歐巴馬作為總統的樣貌,也告訴讀者執筆寫下改變世界的文字又有什麼樣的意義。This is a book about two people making the most important decisions in the world. One is Barack Obama. The other is Ben Rhodes. The World As It Is tells the full story of what it means to work alongside a radical leader; of how idealism can confront reality and survive; of how the White House really functions; and of what it is to have a partnership, and ultimately a friendship, with a historic president. A young writer and Washington outsider, Ben Rhodes was plucked from obscurity aged 29. Chosen for his original perspective and gift with language, his role was to help shape the nation's hopes and sense of itself. For nearly ten years, Rhodes was at the centre of the Obama Administration - first as a speechwriter, then a policymaker, and finally a multi-purpose aide and close collaborator. Rhodes puts us in the room at the most tense and poignant moments in recent history: starting every morning with Obama in the Daily Briefing; waiting out the bin Laden raid in the Situation Room; reaching a nuclear agreement with Iran; leading secret negotiations with the Cuban government; confronting the resurgence of nationalism that led to the election of Donald Trump. This is the most vivid portrayal yet of Obama's presidency. It is an essential record of the last decade. But it also shows us what it means to hold the pen, and to write the words that change our world.


作者介紹 Ben RhodesFrom 2009 to 2017, Ben Rhodes served as Deputy National Security Advisor to President Obama overseeing the Administration's national security communications, speechwriting, public diplomacy and global engagement programming. Prior to joining the Obama Administration, from 2007-2008 Rhodes was a senior speech-writer and foreign policy advisor to the Obama campaign. Before joining then Senator Obama's campaign, he worked for former Congressman Lee Hamilton from 2002-2007. He was the co-author, with Tom Keen and Lee Hamilton, of Without Precedent: The Inside Story of the 9 11 Commission. A native New Yorker, Rhodes has a B.A. from Rice University and an M.F.A. from New York University.


書名 / The World As It Is: Inside the Obama White House
作者 / Ben Rhodes
簡介 / The World As It Is: Inside the Obama White House:《紐約時報》暢銷書,美國前總統歐巴馬文膽羅茲(BenRhodes)白宮回憶錄。羅茲原本只是個年輕的作家,政治核心的局外人
ISBN13 / 9781847925183
ISBN10 / 1847925189
EAN / 9781847925183
誠品26碼 / 2681579575007
頁數 / 320
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 15.3X23.4CM
級別 / N:無
