How to Write and Submit an Academic Paper in 18 Weeks | 誠品線上

Academic Paper in 18 Weeks

作者 Wallace, Stsve
出版社 華樂絲語文顧問有限公司
商品描述 How to Write and Submit an Academic Paper in 18 Weeks:“HowtowriteandSubmitanAcademicPaperin18weeks”是一本專門為台灣的研究者所出版的學術寫作工具書,是由Steve


內容簡介 “How to write and Submit an Academic Paper in 18 weeks” 是一本專門為台灣的研究者所出版的學術寫作工具書,是由Steve多年鑽研學術英文編修,並配合華樂絲學術英文編修所累積之大量資料庫撰寫而成。無論是教授用來指導學生或是個人自行使用,皆是研究者不可或缺的好書。


作者介紹 ■作者簡介Steve Wallace為華樂絲學術英文編修創辦人,現任職於交通大學電機資訊學院講師,主授學術英文寫作、口語溝通、工程英文。他亦曾於工業技術研究院以及清華大學任教,從2001年開始,Steve親自編修交大博士班學生之期刊論文,並花上數百個小時研究整理其中資訊,研究如何讓台灣研究者更有效率的發表論文於國際期刊。他亦收集相當多的期刊評審委員之評論,從中了解如何增進論文登上國際期刊之機會。 Steve已經出版了十二本的英文教科書,去年一年便大賣超過20000本,被全台灣28所大專院校指定使用。


產品目錄 CHAPTER 1 -What Is the Problem? Describe the problem investigatedSummarize other studies to provide context, key terms, and concepts so your reader can understand your researchCHAPTER 2 -Why Is the Problem Important? Review research to provide a reason for your researchCHAPTER 3-What Conflicts or Unanswered Questions you’re your Research Address? Identifying and selling the problemCHAPTER 4-What Previous Findings Are You Challenging or Extending? Being critical and evaluating the contributions of others CHAPTER 5-What Solution Do You Propose? Briefly describe your experiment: hypothesis, research question; method and reasons for using the method if alternatives exist METHODS PARTCHAPTER 6-How Did You Study the Problem? Briefly explain the general type of procedure you usedWhat did you use? Describe what materials, subjects, and equipment you usedCHAPTER 7-How Did You Proceed?Explain the steps you took in your experimentDescribe the process: Infinitive of purposeRESULTS PARTCHAPTER 8-What Did You Observe? For each experiment or procedureBriefly describe experiment without detail of methods partReport main results, supported by selected dataREVIEW PART FOR CHAPTERS 1 - 8CHAPTER 9-How Can You Describe Quantities?Highlight figures and tablesDISCUSSION PARTCHAPTER 10 -What Do Your Observations Mean? Summarize the most important findings at the beginningWhat conclusions can you draw?CHAPTER 11 -How Do Your Results Fit into the Broader Context?Suggest the theoretical implications of your resultsSuggest practical applications of your resultsPresent trends and projectionsCHAPTER 12- How Can You Describe Causes and Effects? REVISINGCHAPTER 13 -How Can You Use Examples? How to use examples ABSTRACTCHAPTER 14-What Is the Report About in Short?How to write the abstract CITATIONSCHAPTER 15-How Can We Write About Others Who Helped Us?How to write the references using different citation styles COVER LETTER TO THE EDITORCHAPTER 16-How Can We Write a Cover Letter to the Editor?How to write the cover letter to the editor of an academic journalREVIEW PART FOR CHAPTERS 9 - 16


書名 / How to Write and Submit an Academic Paper in 18 Weeks
作者 / Wallace, Stsve
簡介 / How to Write and Submit an Academic Paper in 18 Weeks:“HowtowriteandSubmitanAcademicPaperin18weeks”是一本專門為台灣的研究者所出版的學術寫作工具書,是由Steve
出版社 / 華樂絲語文顧問有限公司
ISBN13 / 9789868537934
ISBN10 / 9868537932
EAN / 9789868537934
誠品26碼 / 2680515605006
頁數 / 275
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19X26CM
級別 / N:無
