Countries of the World in Minutes | 誠品線上

Countries of the World in Minutes

作者 Jacob F. Field
出版社 Quercus Publishing
商品描述 Countries of the World in Minutes:TheCountriesoftheWorldinMinutesisthequickestwaytounderstandthemodernworldandeverycountryinit.Foreachofthe195officiallyrecogni


內容簡介 The Countries of the World in Minutes is the quickest way to understand the modern world and every country in it.For each of the 195 officially recognised countries of the world, a mini-essay clearly and concisely explains its key history, characteristics and social and political structures. Alongside, an outline map shows each country's global location, main geographic features and capital city, whilst a table of essential data details its population, political system, languages, major religions, currency, gross domestic product, main industries, and much more.Illustrated with 195 up-to-date country maps.


書名 / Countries of the World in Minutes
作者 / Jacob F. Field
簡介 / Countries of the World in Minutes:TheCountriesoftheWorldinMinutesisthequickestwaytounderstandthemodernworldandeverycountryinit.Foreachofthe195officiallyrecogni
出版社 / Quercus Publishing
ISBN13 / 9781786485830
ISBN10 / 1786485834
EAN / 9781786485830
誠品26碼 / 2681648771002
頁數 / 416
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 12.7X12.7X3.3CM
級別 / N:無
