50 Science Ideas You Really Need to Know | 誠品線上


作者 蓋爾.迪克森/ 保羅.帕森斯
出版社 Quercus Publishing
商品描述 50 Science Ideas You Really Need to Know:你不可不知的50大科學必備知識!身為地球的一份子絕對必修的科學常識本書帶領讀者解開所有關於科學最重要的問題及深入理解科學


內容簡介 你不可不知的50大科學必備知識!身為地球的一份子絕對必修的科學常識本書帶領讀者解開所有關於科學最重要的問題及深入理解科學概念。什麼是宇宙起源大爆炸?生命是如何在地球誕生的?量子力學與宇宙的關聯又是什麼?人工智慧真的能實現嗎?其他星球是否有外星人的存在?從最基本的科學原理,原子與分子、物理學的牛頓定律、生命積木到最新的奈米科技、愛因斯坦相對論與複製科技,本書以簡單易懂的解說分享科學知識,50大科學必備知識,搭配明瞭及精彩的插圖解說,內容條列分明,跨越物理學、天文學、地球科學、化學、心理學及電腦運算等,探索科學對於人類的影響及衝擊,喜愛科學知識卻又難以理解科學專有名詞的讀者,透過詳盡的說明,絕對會愛上這本活潑、有趣、包羅萬象的科學知識學習書籍。50 Science Ideas You Really Need to Know is your guide to the biggest questions and deepest concepts from across the whole of science. What was the Big Bang? How did life on Earth arise? What does quantum mechanics tell us about the universe? Is true artificial intelligence possible? And does life exist on other planets?Moving from the basics of atoms and molecules, Newton's laws of physics and the building blocks of life to the cutting edge of nanotechnology, Einstein's theories of relativity and cloning, this book makes the many worlds of science accessible and illuminating. Featuring fifty concise, insightful and illustrated essays covering physics and astronomy, Earth and life sciences, chemistry and materials, psychology and computing, and exploring the ways they connect with each other and impact on our lives, 50 Science Ideas You Really Need to Know is the ideal introduction to the questions which fascinate us all.


書名 / 50 Science Ideas You Really Need to Know
作者 / 蓋爾.迪克森 保羅.帕森斯
簡介 / 50 Science Ideas You Really Need to Know:你不可不知的50大科學必備知識!身為地球的一份子絕對必修的科學常識本書帶領讀者解開所有關於科學最重要的問題及深入理解科學
出版社 / Quercus Publishing
ISBN13 / 9781784296148
ISBN10 / 1784296147
EAN / 9781784296148
誠品26碼 / 2681345061000
頁數 / 208
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
