50 Biology Ideas You Really Need to Know | 誠品線上

50 Biology Ideas You Really Need to Know

作者 J. V. Chamary
出版社 Quercus Publishing
商品描述 50 Biology Ideas You Really Need to Know:50個人生必知的生物學知識橫跨幾億年的時空,沿著生命軌跡探索生命內在最真實的意義為何物種需要進化?人的性格可以不用透過DN


內容簡介 50個人生必知的生物學知識橫跨幾億年的時空,沿著生命軌跡探索生命內在最真實的意義為何物種需要進化?人的性格可以不用透過DNA遺傳嗎?所有的有機體都是由細胞構成的嗎?人類到底是如何形成的?包括神秘難解的性及睡眠,從生物大滅絕到免疫系統的演化,本書集結所有重大科學實驗結果及現代生物學研究,幫助讀者建立全方位的生物學概論。包括如何透過基因控制生物的生長及行為、生物體如何從一個單細胞生成、還有環境的改變如何造就大自然生物的演化。每一個章節都配有簡單易懂的圖表及大事年表,提供讀者最宏觀的生物學新知。內容包括:演化、基因、體內平衡、共生體學說、多細胞生物、遺傳漂變、物種形成、趨同演化、生物授粉、擬態、遺傳法則、DNA、選擇性剪接、病毒、表觀遺傳學、光合作用、癌症、細胞分化、再生、形態發生、記憶、睡眠、老化、意識及蓋婭學說等。 50 Biology Ideas You Really Need to Know is your guide to the most significant and stimulating questions in the study of life. Why do species evolve? Can characteristics be inherited without DNA? Are all organisms made of cells? What makes us human? This book provides succinct answers to all these questions, and many more, in 50 lucid and engaging essays that cover both classic experiments and the latest research.From the mysteries of sex and sleep, from mass extinction to immunity, 50 Biology Ideas You Really Need to Know will open your eyes to the fundamental processes that are vital to life on Earth, including how genes control the growth and behaviour of living things, how a body develops from a single cell, and how environmental forces create natural diversity through evolution. Featuring key concepts explained in simple terms, and with clear diagrams and timelines showing major scientific discoveries within their historical context, this book will give you a complete overview of a fascinating subject.Contents include: Evolution, Genes, Homeostasis, Endosymbiosis, Sex, Multicellularity, Nerves, Genetic Drift, Speciation, Convergent Evolution, Pollination, Mimicry, Laws of Inheritance, DNA, Alternative Splicing, Viruses, Epigenetics, Photosynthesis, Cancer, Differentiation, Regeneration, Morphogenesis, Memory, Sleep, Ageing, Consciousness and the Gaia Hypothesis.


書名 / 50 Biology Ideas You Really Need to Know
作者 / J. V. Chamary
簡介 / 50 Biology Ideas You Really Need to Know:50個人生必知的生物學知識橫跨幾億年的時空,沿著生命軌跡探索生命內在最真實的意義為何物種需要進化?人的性格可以不用透過DN
出版社 / Quercus Publishing
ISBN13 / 9781848666696
ISBN10 / 1848666691
EAN / 9781848666696
誠品26碼 / 2681259136009
頁數 / 208
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20.7X17.9CM
級別 / N:無