內容簡介 以50則短篇物理學概念,簡介了影響人類歷史的重要物理學發現。Joanne Baker在《50則非知不可的物理學概念》中,以連續五十篇清晰而簡明的短文,說明了掌管我們物理世界如何運作的發現、定律、原理和理論。Baker不但概述並解釋了像「克卜勒行星運行定律」以及「牛頓萬有引力定律」這些人類對物理世界瞭解的歷史性突破,而且還拆解了現代科學理論中,有時 常令人感到十分迷惘的複雜內容--從「普朗克定律」到「包立不相容定律」,還有像是「薛丁格的貓」以及「弦理論」。在本文之外,另附有一系實用有趣的內 容,包含物理學家的生平簡介、相關概念的大事記、說明用圖表,以及大師引言。這本清楚、好讀,又容易理解的《50則非知不可的物理學概念》,是非專業人士一窺現代物理學的最佳入門書,Baker最擅長將最複雜、最具挑戰性的概念,輕易地寫成一般人都看得懂的文字。 We encounter physics before we've even left the house in the morning; an alarm clock tracks time, a mirror reflects light waves and our mobile phones rely on satellites held in their orbit by gravity. Where would we be without the Bernoulli equation to explain how planes fly, electromagnetic waves enabling us to communicate around the world or the discovery of X-rays? In 50 Physics Ideas You Really Need to Know Joanne Baker will uncover the physics all around us, from basic concepts like gravity, light and energy through to the complexities of quantum theory, chaos and dark energy. Featuring short biographies of iconic physicists, explanatory diagrams and timelines showing discoveries within their historical context, this book is the perfect guide to the fundamental concepts of physics, making even the most challenging theories easy to understand. Contents include: Newton's law of gravitation, Brownian motion, Chaos theory, Fleming's right hand rule, Planck's law, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, Schrodinger's cat, Superconductivity, Rutherford's atom, Nuclear fission and fusion, The God particle, String theory, Special and general relativity, The big bang and the Anthropic principle.本書中文書介出自《50則非知不可的物理學概念》五南圖書出版股份有限公司出版