內容簡介 14歲的Cindy來自一個破碎的家庭,母親常常離家數月無消無息,留下兩個哥哥和她相依為命,哥哥打雜換來了微薄薪資,和偶爾出現的社工支援是三人唯有的收入來源,生活只能如此勉強度過,直到鄰居家的女兒失蹤,才意外為三人帶來曙光。 Jude是個相當受歡迎卻又複雜的女孩,Cindy以往總是覺得自己不可能成為那樣的女孩。Jude的母親酗酒成性,在她失蹤後更是難以控制自己,誤將找上門的Cindy認成Jude,突如而來的母愛、作夢也想不到的書和藝術品,卻是Cindy夢寐以求的寶物,她希望這個假象繼續下去,卻為了意外被滿足的渴望,而做出了一個錯誤的決定。以渴望和心碎作為框架的一本精彩小說,將生活的絕望,以及因此而起的強烈慾望寫得精細,寫出一個長期被忽視的女孩,第一次感受到自己的選擇居然是那麼有力的震撼。'To be honest, we just weren't looking that hard. Nobody knew where to search and it was summer vacation anyway - but that wasn't the reason nobody looked for Jude.'One summer, a teenager disappears from Deep Valley, Pennsylvania. Jude is beautiful, intelligent, and mixed race. The cops search for her - but not as hard as they would if she were a white girl. Watching this mystery unfold is Cindy, a younger girl from a white trash family, who has idolised Jude for years. And so, in the absence of anyone to give a damn about her, Cindy starts to slip out of her own life and into the space Jude left behind...Marilou Is Everywhere is a story about the desperation to escape - and the terrible, intimate crimes we commit to do so. Swimming in the rich melancholia of rural America, it is a fall from grace, a moral provocation, and a heartbreaking account of life in the margins.
作者介紹 Sarah Elaine SmithSarah Elaine Smith holds MFAs in Fiction from the Iowa Writers' Workshop and Poetry from the Michener Center for Writers. She is also a recipient of a Rona Jaffe Wallace Fellowship and a Teaching-Writing Fellowship, in addition to the Keene Prize for Literature, the Roy Crane Prize, the Richard Yates Prize for Short Fiction and the Cleveland State University Poetry Center's First Book Prize. Her work has appeared in Tin House, FENCE, Best New Poets and others, and she is the author of one poetry collection, I Live in a Hut. She lives in Pittsburgh.