Who Rules the World? | 誠品線上

誰統治世界: 主張民主人權的政府為何霸凌他國, 勾結財團操控媒體、扭曲真相

作者 杭士基
商品描述 Who Rules the World?:國際知名政治評論家喬姆斯基審視美國強權的衰落,及911後如何實踐與追求新的美國政策喬姆斯基堪稱是當代最重要的認知學家,也是國際外交政策分析被


內容簡介 國際知名政治評論家喬姆斯基審視美國強權的衰落,及911後如何實踐與追求新的美國政策喬姆斯基堪稱是當代最重要的認知學家,也是國際外交政策分析被最多讀者閱讀的作家之一。在經過多前的研究與觀察,喬姆斯基的新書將重新審視及調查目前的國際政局。從美國與古巴的緊張關係,到中國如何從全球崛起成世界強國;從酷刑手冊的揭露到對伊朗的制裁行動,主張自由與人權的美國政府為何為了鞏固軍事地位卻帶來世界災難。作者在書中精闢解析美國與伊拉克、阿富汗、以色列及巴勒斯坦的種種衝突,以細微的觀察及一針見血的剖析,說明美國如何走向帝國主義之路,而人民又如何被媒體操控,成為冷漠及無知,汲汲營營追求成功與財富。 A new book on the state of the world today -- from one of the most respected and revered political commentators aliveNoam Chomsky: philosopher, political writer, fearless activist. No one has done more to question the hidden actors who govern our lives, calling the powers that be to account. Here he presents Who Rules the World?, his definitive account of those powers, how they work, and why we should be questioning them.From the dark history of the US and Cuba to China's global rise, from torture memos to sanctions on Iran, this book investigates the defining issues of our times and exposes the hypocrisy at the heart of America's policies and actions. The world's political and financial elite are now operating almost totally unconstrained by the so-called democratic structure. With climate change and nuclear proliferation threatening our very survival, dissenting voices have never been more necessary.Fiercely outspoken and rigorously argued, Who Rules the World? is an indispensable guide to how things really are.


書名 / Who Rules the World?
作者 / 杭士基
簡介 / Who Rules the World?:國際知名政治評論家喬姆斯基審視美國強權的衰落,及911後如何實踐與追求新的美國政策喬姆斯基堪稱是當代最重要的認知學家,也是國際外交政策分析被
ISBN13 / 9780241189450
ISBN10 / 0241189454
EAN / 9780241189450
誠品26碼 / 2681400670000
頁數 / 336
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.8X12.9CM
級別 / N:無