Business Partner B1+ Coursebook with Digital Resources | 誠品線上

Business Partner B1+ Coursebook with Digital Resources

作者 Lowonna Dubicka/ Margaret O'Keefe/ Bob Dignen
出版社 台灣東華書局股份有限公司
商品描述 Business Partner B1+ Coursebook with Digital Resources:DescriptionDiscovertheinnovativeworldofBusinessPartner,aneweight-LevelbusinessEnglishcourseforlearnersan


內容簡介 ※隨書附線上資源序號,使用時請刮開刮膜層,如經人為損毀,恕不退換。【Description】 Discover the innovative world of Business Partner, a new eight-Level business English course for learners and professionals who want to communicate effectively in English in the workplace. Partnering with the Financial Times means that this course also offers a wealth of international business information on a wide variety of topics.•Personalize your learning experience with a structured modular approach that gives the flexibility to focus on specific needs and learning outcomes.•Study real-life business stories provided through authentic videos that draw you in and keep you motivated.•Learn about key business topics such as Careers choices, Business Sectors, Projects, Global markets and Communication•Immerse yourself in the integrated video-based Communication skills training programme to develop awareness of communication issues, including building rapport, dealing with interruptions, managing conversations, dealing with disagreement and responding to customer concerns.•Get practical training in functional business skills such as networking, selling a product, dealing with conflict and generating and presenting ideas.•Work on realistic case studies in the Business workshops.•Evaluate your progress step by step against the Global Scale of English Learning Objectives for Professional English.•Prepare for business English exams such as BEC, BULATS, LCCI and PTE ProfessionalTM.


作者介紹 Lowonna Dubicka 、 Margaret O'Keefe 、 Bob Dignen


書名 / Business Partner B1+ Coursebook with Digital Resources
作者 / Lowonna Dubicka Margaret O'Keefe Bob Dignen
簡介 / Business Partner B1+ Coursebook with Digital Resources:DescriptionDiscovertheinnovativeworldofBusinessPartner,aneweight-LevelbusinessEnglishcourseforlearnersan
出版社 / 台灣東華書局股份有限公司
ISBN13 / 9781292233550
ISBN10 / 1292233559
EAN / 9781292233550
誠品26碼 / 2681760557003
頁數 / 160
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 29.5X21X0.6CM
級別 / N:無


最佳賣點 : 商業英文