Microeconomics (9 Ed.) | 誠品線上


作者 Robert S. Pindyck/ Daniel L. Rubinfeld
出版社 華泰文化事業股份有限公司
商品描述 Microeconomics (9 Ed.):Microeconomicsexposesstudentstotopicsthatplayacentralroleinmicroeconomics.Fromgametheoryandcompetitivestrategy,totherolesofuncertaintyan


內容簡介 Microeconomicsexposes students to topics that play a central role in microeconomics. From game theory and competitive strategy, to the roles of uncertainty and information, and the analysis of pricing by firms with market power, the text helps students understand what’s going on in the world of business. It also shows students how microeconomics can be used as a practical tool for decision-making and for designing and understanding public policy. The Ninth Edition, further illustrates microeconomics’ relevance and usefulness with new coverage and examples, and an improved exposition that is clear and accessible as well as lively and engaging. With Microeconomics, readers will be able to fully appreciate how a modern economy functions.


作者介紹 ■作者簡介Robert S. Pindyck現職:Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyDaniel L. Rubinfeld現職:University of California, Berkeley


產品目錄 PART I: INTRODUCTION: MARKETS AND PRICESCh 1 PreliminariesCh 2 The Basics of Supply and DemandPART II: PRODUCERS, CONSUMERS, AND COMPETITIVE MARKETSCh 3 Consumer BehaviorCh 4 Individual and Market DemandCh 5 Uncertainty and Consumer BehaviorCh 6 ProductionCh 7 The Cost of ProductionCh 8 Profit Maximization and Competitive SupplyCh 9 The Analysis of Competitive MarketsPART III MARKET STRUCTURE AND COMPETITIVE STRATEGYCh10 Market Power: Monopoly and MonopsonyCh11 Pricing with Market PowerCh12 Monopolistic Competition and OligopolyCh13 Game Theory and Competitive StrategyCh14 Markets for Factor InputsCh15 Investment, Time, and Capital MarketsPART IV INFORMATION, MARKET FAILURE, AND THE ROLE OF GOVERNMENTCh16 General Equilibrium and Economic EfficiencyCh17 Markets with Asymmetric InformationCh18 Externalities and Public GoodsCh19 Behavioral Economics


書名 / Microeconomics (9 Ed.)
作者 / Robert S. Pindyck Daniel L. Rubinfeld
簡介 / Microeconomics (9 Ed.):Microeconomicsexposesstudentstotopicsthatplayacentralroleinmicroeconomics.Fromgametheoryandcompetitivestrategy,totherolesofuncertaintyan
出版社 / 華泰文化事業股份有限公司
ISBN13 / 9781292213316
ISBN10 / 1292213310
EAN / 9781292213316
誠品26碼 / 2681580113007
頁數 / 781
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 25.4X20.3X2.5CM
級別 / N:無
