The Tattoo Art of Freddy Negrete | 誠品線上

The Tattoo Art of Freddy Negrete

作者 Freddy Negrete
商品描述 The Tattoo Art of Freddy Negrete:單針刺青傳奇大師FreddyNegrete刺青藝術作品著色書大人味著色畫冊,為好萊塢名人最熱愛的刺青師作品彩繪豔麗色彩猶太籍墨西哥刺青大師F


內容簡介 單針刺青傳奇大師Freddy Negrete刺青藝術作品著色書大人味著色畫冊,為好萊塢名人最熱愛的刺青師作品彩繪豔麗色彩猶太籍墨西哥刺青大師Freddy Negrete年少時曾因捲入犯罪集團而歷經牢獄之災,出獄後以刺青技術轉型展開新人生,將紋身提升到全新境界,不論是黑幫成員或是好萊塢明星(例如安潔莉娜‧裘莉)和知名電影製作人皆是他的常客。現今僅有6人會使用單針刺青技術,而Freddy就是其中之一,他熱愛以黑灰色打造層次豐富及栩栩如生的刺青圖樣。這本非比尋常的著色畫冊由Freddy Negrete親手打造,如果你早已厭倦為小花小草畫上色彩,這本大人味十足的著色書絕對是最佳首選。收錄各式各樣精湛吸睛的刺青圖樣,帶有強大街頭感,對於所有熱愛刺青圖樣、或是正在考慮下一個刺青圖樣的人,無疑是一本最合適的禮物書。 The absolutely coolest colouring book out there, with images by legendary tattoo artist Freddy Negrete.For everyone who loves colouring books, but finds the flowers-and-butterflies options too tame, here is the colouring book with street cred.With pages and pages of original tattoo designs by the legendary prison-style tattoo artist Freddy Negrete, The Tattoo Art of Freddy Negrete combines the mind-calming activity of colouring with a badass attitude!


作者介紹 Legendary tattoo artist FREDDY NEGRETE is best known for his pioneering black-and-gray tattoo style, honed while serving time in a series of correctional facilities during a youth mired in abuse, gang life, and drug addiction. His ""joint-style"" designs eventually found their way out onto the streets of East LA and, in 1980, he created a piece that earned him a Tattoo Artist of the Year Award. After a ten-year period of renouncing his tattooing success in favor of bible study and becoming the pastor of his own church, Freddy eventually returned to tattooing in 1990 to find that he had become a tattoo superstar during the decade he had been away from the life. Freddy has been featured in the History Channel's Marked series, in the documentary Tattoo Nation, on Spike TV's Inkmaster as a guest judge, and in numerous print, online, and video publications. In 2007, he was awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award by the Body Art Expo, one of the biggest and most established tattoo conventions in the world. Having suffered the ravages of drug addiction for many years, Freddy is now also certified to work closely with young addicts at Beit T'Shuvah in Los Angeles, a treatment center based on Jewish spirituality and Twelve Step principles. Freddy lives in Hollywood with his son Isaiah, who is also a successful tattoo artist. They both work at the Shamrock Social Club on the Sunset Strip and have tattooed numerous celebrities, musicians, and sport personalities.


書名 / The Tattoo Art of Freddy Negrete
作者 / Freddy Negrete
簡介 / The Tattoo Art of Freddy Negrete:單針刺青傳奇大師FreddyNegrete刺青藝術作品著色書大人味著色畫冊,為好萊塢名人最熱愛的刺青師作品彩繪豔麗色彩猶太籍墨西哥刺青大師F
ISBN13 / 9781609807542
ISBN10 / 1609807545
EAN / 9781609807542
誠品26碼 / 2681427935007
頁數 / 96
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 22.8X17.8X0.8CM
級別 / N:無