Forest of Enchantment Tarot | 誠品線上

Forest of Enchantment Tarot

作者 Lunaea Weatherstone
出版社 Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd.
商品描述 Forest of Enchantment Tarot:Onceyoustepintotheenchantedwood,yourlife―andyourspirit―willneverbethesame.Theforestisalivewithmagic:wiseancienttrees,glowingbloss


內容簡介 Once you step into the enchanted wood, your life―and your spirit―will never be the same. The forest is alive with magic: wise ancient trees, glowing blossoms, crystal caves, and forbidding thickets of thorns. Here you will meet witches and wizards, faeries and elves, birds and beasts both earthly and otherworldly, ghosts and shape-shifters, dancing princesses and sad old knights. As you wend your way along the twisting woodland paths, finding adventure at every turn, the old tales come to life. In the Forest of Enchantment, you may seek your fortune, quest for success, and live happily ever after.


作者介紹 Lunaea WeatherstoneLunaea Weatherstone (Portland, OR) is a priestess, writer, teacher, and tarot counselor. As Grove Mother for the Sisterhood of the Silver Branch, she offers year-long programs in goddess spirituality. Lunaea has been working with the tarot for more than forty years. Meraylah AllwoodMeraylah Allwood (Suffolk, UK) is an illustrator and artist who has worked with many authors and publishers around the world, illustrating books on subjects including natural history, healing, ancient history, folklore, fantasy, and magical traditions. Meraylah is a Member of the Royal Miniature Society and exhibits her paintings at their annual exhibition in London.


書名 / Forest of Enchantment Tarot
作者 / Lunaea Weatherstone
簡介 / Forest of Enchantment Tarot:Onceyoustepintotheenchantedwood,yourlife―andyourspirit―willneverbethesame.Theforestisalivewithmagic:wiseancienttrees,glowingbloss
出版社 / Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd.
ISBN13 / 9780738751399
ISBN10 / 0738751391
EAN / 9780738751399
誠品26碼 / 2681778074004
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
