John Bauer Tarot Deck | 誠品線上

John Bauer Tarot Deck

作者 John Bauer
出版社 Lo Scarabeo s.r.l.
商品描述 John Bauer Tarot Deck:JohnBauer(1882-1918)wasoneofthemostappreciatedSwedishartistsoftheearlytwentiethcentury.Hisartwork,contemporarytoPamelaSmith's,broughttoli


內容簡介 John Bauer (1882-1918) was one of the most appreciated Swedish artists of the early twentieth century. His artwork, contemporary to Pamela Smith's, brought to life a world of sweet and dark myth and folklore, where faerie tales blend with pre-Rafaelite suggestions. These wholly unique cards are defined by their unique combination of warmth and whimsy, bringing the tarot reader into contact with a unique experience of spirit.The companion booklets for most Lo Scarabeo decks are in five languages: English, Spanish, French, Italian, and German.


作者介紹 John Bauer (1882-1918) was one of the most appreciated Swedish artists of the early twentieth century.


書名 / John Bauer Tarot Deck
作者 / John Bauer
簡介 / John Bauer Tarot Deck:JohnBauer(1882-1918)wasoneofthemostappreciatedSwedishartistsoftheearlytwentiethcentury.Hisartwork,contemporarytoPamelaSmith's,broughttoli
出版社 / Lo Scarabeo s.r.l.
ISBN13 / 9788865275306
ISBN10 / 0738759775
EAN / 9788865275306
誠品26碼 / 2681629021003
頁數 / 64
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 12.7X7CM
級別 / N:無