The Art of the Good Life: Clear Thinking for Business and a Better Life | 誠品線上

The Art of the Good Life: Clear Thinking for Business and a Better Life

作者 Rolf Dobelli
商品描述 The Art of the Good Life: Clear Thinking for Business and a Better Life:繼傳奇暢銷書《思考的藝術》《行為的藝術》後,杜伯里強勢回歸新書上市,蟬聯德國亞馬遜、《


內容簡介 繼傳奇暢銷書《思考的藝術》《行為的藝術》後,杜伯里強勢回歸新書上市,蟬聯德國亞馬遜、《明鏡週刊》排行榜TOP 1,聲勢不墜全德最受矚目的作家,無數讀者殷切期待的最新力作越是重要的事情,你越不該視情況彈性決策跳出能力圈尋找機會和成就,十之八九達不到預期效益少做傻事比汲汲於做大事,更能讓你成功我們總以為成功是一點一滴拚搏、累積來的,錯!美好人生不是「贏來的」,而是「輸掉的」。少犯錯,幸福的可能性就越高。應付複雜的現實世界,需要裝有各種思考方法的工具箱,避免各種徒勞無功的嘗試,耗費時間與精力,並預料哪裡隱藏著危險與障礙,事先預防、繞道而行,避開層出不窮的問題與意外在你的人生道路中設下的路障。爬梳古希臘哲學理論與當代心理學研究,杜伯里延續《思考的藝術》、《行為的藝術》詼諧有趣、輕鬆易懂的寫作風格與格式,標舉出52個思考工具,幫助你聰明思考、理性作為,活出生活的藝術、建構美好的人生。Since antiquity, people have been asking themselves what it means to live a good life. How should I live? What constitutes a good life? What's the role of fate? What's the role of money? Is leading a good life a question of mindset, or is it more about reaching your goals? Is it better to actively seek happiness or to avoid unhappiness?Each generation poses these questions anew, and somehow the answers are always fundamentally disappointing. Why? Because we're constantly searching for a single principle, a single tenet, a single rule. Yet this holy grail -- a single, simple path to happiness -- doesn't exist. Rolf Dobelli -- successful businessman, founder of the TED-style ideas conference Zurich Minds, bestselling author, and all-around seeker of big ideas -- has made finding a shortcut to happiness his life's mission. He's synthesized the leading thinkers and the latest science in happiness to find the best shortcuts to satisfaction in THE ART OF THE GOOD LIFE, his follow up to the international bestseller The Art of Thinking Clearly (which has sold more than 2.5 million copies in 40 languages all around the globe).THE ART OF THE GOOD LIFE is a toolkit designed for practical living. Here you'll find fifty-two happiness hacks - from guilt-free shunning of technology to gleefully paying your parking tickets - that are certain to optimize your happiness. These tips may not guarantee you a good life, but they'll give you a better chance (and that's all any of us can ask for).


書名 / The Art of the Good Life: Clear Thinking for Business and a Better Life
作者 / Rolf Dobelli
簡介 / The Art of the Good Life: Clear Thinking for Business and a Better Life:繼傳奇暢銷書《思考的藝術》《行為的藝術》後,杜伯里強勢回歸新書上市,蟬聯德國亞馬遜、《
ISBN13 / 9781473667518
ISBN10 / 1473667518
EAN / 9781473667518
誠品26碼 / 2681607077008
頁數 / 272
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 12.9X19.8X1.7CM
級別 / N:無
