Future Crimes: A Journey to the Dark Side of Technology and How to Survive It | 誠品線上

未來的犯罪: 當萬物都可駭, 我們該如何面對

作者 馬克.古德曼
商品描述 Future Crimes: A Journey to the Dark Side of Technology and How to Survive It:紐約時報暢銷書2015年華盛頓郵報推薦十大好書主題涵蓋各種形式的網路犯罪、網路安全的


內容簡介 紐約時報暢銷書2015年華盛頓郵報推薦十大好書主題涵蓋各種形式的網路犯罪、網路安全的重要性、企業和個人為何應重視網路安全等,探索網路技術帶來便利之後的不安感與危機意識,將犯罪手法真實呈現在現實生活中的佳作。只要控制程式,你就控制世界!Control the code, control the world.歡迎來到犯罪技術的新世界,駭客取代強盜,一不留神,我們每個民眾都會成為受害者。本書作者Marc Goodman曾是一名基層警員、臥底調查員、參與過反恐策略規劃,絕大多數時間都在執法單位工作,見識許多犯罪恐怖手法,在現今科技進步的社會,他大膽揭示罪犯和恐怖分子的諜報技術,對科技進步帶來的犯罪及恐怖進行一場深入透徹的剖析,以簡潔文字,讓每個人輕易瞭解這些犯罪手法是每天在影響且威脅我們的生活,許多你以為只會在電影和小說出現的神奇技術,都很有可能攻擊我們;讀來,不寒而慄。透過本書,提醒自己在網路世界如何保護自己,提高警覺。Technological advances have benefited our world in immeasurable ways, but there is an ominous flipside. Criminals are often the earliest, and most innovative, adopters of technology and modern times have led to modern crimes. Today's criminals are stealing identities, draining online bank-accounts and wiping out computer servers. It's disturbingly easy to activate baby cam monitors to spy on families, pacemakers can be hacked to deliver a lethal jolt, and thieves are analyzing your social media in order to determine the best time for a home invasion.Meanwhile, 3D printers produce AK-47s, terrorists can download the recipe for the Ebola virus, and drug cartels are building drones. This is just the beginning of the tsunami of technological threats coming our way. In Future Crimes, Marc Goodman rips open his database of hundreds of real cases to give us front-row access to these impending perils. Reading like a sci-fi thriller, but based in startling fact, Goodman raises tough questions about the expanding role of technology in our lives. Future Crimes is a call to action for better security measures worldwide, but most importantly, will empower readers to protect themselves against these looming technological threats - before it's too late.


書名 / Future Crimes: A Journey to the Dark Side of Technology and How to Survive It
作者 / 馬克.古德曼
簡介 / Future Crimes: A Journey to the Dark Side of Technology and How to Survive It:紐約時報暢銷書2015年華盛頓郵報推薦十大好書主題涵蓋各種形式的網路犯罪、網路安全的
ISBN13 / 9780552170802
ISBN10 / 0552170801
EAN / 9780552170802
誠品26碼 / 2681245153003
頁數 / 672
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無