Hello World: How to be Human in the Age of the Machine | 誠品線上

打開演算法黑箱: 反噬的AI、走鐘的運算, 當演算法出了錯, 人類還能控制它嗎?

作者 漢娜.弗萊
商品描述 Hello World: How to be Human in the Age of the Machine:入圍2018RoyalSocietyInvestmentScienceBookPrize決選名單!《數學的戀愛應用題》作者的新書提出了幾個問題,試


內容簡介 入圍2018 Royal Society Investment Science Book Prize決選名單!《數學的戀愛應用題》作者的新書提出了幾個問題,試想:1. 如果你被指控了某項罪行,你會選擇由誰來決定你的命運?是人類?還是機器?2. 你覺得不太舒服想要去看醫生,你會選擇由誰來幫你看病?是人類?還是機器?3. 一個媽媽和她的小孩突然跑到你的車前,你會相信誰的判斷?是人類?還是機器?不管你的決定為何,請不要把這個問題當作只是一個設想,因為這可能就是未來即將發生的狀況。演算法的世代已經來臨,之後的世界將會被演算法給掌控,你的健康、交通、經濟、安全、觀看的內容等都可能跟演算法有關。所以,我們該依賴演算法到怎樣的程度?作者Hannah Fry在本書中解釋了演算法的好和壞,還有他們的力量和極限,最重要的是,演算法對人類社會是否真的是一種進化?You are accused of a crime? Who would you rather decides your future – an algorithm or a human?Before making your decision, bear in mind that the algorithm will always be more consistent, and far less prone to an error of judgement. Then again, at least the human will be able to look you in the eye before determining your fate. How much fairness would you be willing to sacrifice for that human touch?This is just one of the dilemmas we face in the age of the algorithm, where the machine rules supreme, telling us what to watch, where to go, even who to send to prison. As increasingly we rely on them to automate big, important decisions – in crime, healthcare, transport, money - they raise questions that cut to the heart of what we want our society to look like, forcing us to decide what matters most. Is helping doctors to diagnose patients more or less important than preserving our anonymity? Should we prevent people from becoming victims of crime, or protect innocent people from being falsely accused?Hannah Fry takes us on a tour through the good, the bad, and the downright ugly of the algorithms that surround us. In Hello World she lifts the lid on their inner workings, demonstrates their power, exposes their limitations, and examines whether they really are an improvement on the human systems they replace.


書名 / Hello World: How to be Human in the Age of the Machine
作者 / 漢娜.弗萊
簡介 / Hello World: How to be Human in the Age of the Machine:入圍2018RoyalSocietyInvestmentScienceBookPrize決選名單!《數學的戀愛應用題》作者的新書提出了幾個問題,試
ISBN13 / 9780857525253
ISBN10 / 0857525255
EAN / 9780857525253
誠品26碼 / 2681665730006
頁數 / 256
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 15.3X23.4X1.9CM
級別 / N:無
