Dragon Bones & Dao: Tracing the Origins of Chinese Culture, Language & Philosophy | 誠品線上

Dragon Bones & Dao: Tracing the Origins of Chinese Culture, Language & Philosophy

作者 謝善元
出版社 台灣學生書局有限公司
商品描述 Dragon Bones & Dao: Tracing the Origins of Chinese Culture, Language & Philosophy:第一部分,採用柏拉圖理想國的對話方式來介紹中國古代的甲骨文;第二部分,以先秦


內容簡介 第一部分,採用柏拉圖理想國的對話方式來介紹中國古代的甲骨文;第二部分,以先秦七大哲學家的生涯和思想為主,分為六章,並於各章中以中、英文雙語解釋哲學家的原始文獻,期望藉此方式引領年輕的英美人士對中國文化、語文及哲學的閲讀樂趣。 The book introduces some 300 inscriptions on Dragon Bones and traces the life and thought of seven ancient Chinese philosophers. It discusses their different interpretations of the key concept of Dao (previously translated as Tao) as either a road, a method, or the basis of being and quotes their distinct sayings in Chinese, believing that it is probably the best way to learn the language and culture of another nation.


作者介紹 謝善元謝善元 Shan-yuan Hsieh生於上海。1949 遷至台灣,在台灣完成大學教育,考取美國富布萊特奬學金,就讀美國芝加哥大學,1972年取得博士學位。曾在加拿大及美國幾所大學教授中國歷史、政治和哲學。Born in Shanghai in 1936, he moved to Taiwan before 1949 and got his college education there. With the help of a Fulbright Scholarship, he came to the U.S., studied at the University of Chicago, and earned his Ph.D. in 1972. After teaching Chinese history and philosophy for about ten years, he retired. Feeling that none of available translations of Plato's Republic was fully satisfactory, he turned Paul Shorey's work into Chinese in 2009. Then, stylistically, he used the dialogues between himself and his two young students as the basic material and wrote the Dragon Bones and Dao.


書名 / Dragon Bones & Dao: Tracing the Origins of Chinese Culture, Language & Philosophy
作者 / 謝善元
簡介 / Dragon Bones & Dao: Tracing the Origins of Chinese Culture, Language & Philosophy:第一部分,採用柏拉圖理想國的對話方式來介紹中國古代的甲骨文;第二部分,以先秦
出版社 / 台灣學生書局有限公司
ISBN13 / 9789868410275
ISBN10 / 9868410274
EAN / 9789868410275
誠品26碼 / 2681810827001
頁數 / 470
開數 / 25K
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 15X21X2.2CM
級別 / N:無


最佳賣點 : 第一部分,採用柏拉圖理想國的對話方式來介紹中國古代的甲骨文;第二部分,以先秦七大哲學家的生涯和思想為主,分為六章,並於各章中以中、英文雙語解釋哲學家的原始文獻,期望藉此方式引領年輕的英美人士對中國文化、語文及哲學的閲讀樂趣。
