52 Typo: 52 Stories on Type, Typography and Graphic Design | 誠品線上

52 Typo: 52 Stories on Type, Typography and Graphic Design

作者 Etapes: Editions/ Ed.
商品描述 52 Typo: 52 Stories on Type, Typography and Graphic Design:Everydaythereissomethinghappeningintheworldoftypographyandgraphicdesign–somethingnewbeingcreatedinB


內容簡介 Every day there is something happening in the world of typography and graphic design – something new being created in Buenos Aires, Paris, Tel Aviv, Tehran, Seoul or Melbourne. The most inspiring, trend-setting and enduring stories, events and works have been collected here to guide the reader to the highlights: 52 for 52 weeks, written by more than 40 experts. Releases such as the legendary 1975 NASA Graphic Standards Manual are presented and various creative approaches discussed. New fonts, typeface designers and foundries are introduced, classic American fonts newly interpreted and the question of why new fonts are always needed examined. Important new logos are presented, the big industry events such as the Typo in Berlin reported on and the winners of the European Design Awards presented. At the end of the book there are dedications to Adrian Frutiger and Alan Rickman, who was once a graphic designer.


書名 / 52 Typo: 52 Stories on Type, Typography and Graphic Design
作者 / Etapes: Editions Ed.
簡介 / 52 Typo: 52 Stories on Type, Typography and Graphic Design:Everydaythereissomethinghappeningintheworldoftypographyandgraphicdesign–somethingnewbeingcreatedinB
ISBN13 / 9783721209754
ISBN10 / 3721209753
EAN / 9783721209754
誠品26碼 / 2681519124005
頁數 / 224
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 24X18CM
級別 / N:無