The UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage: Cultural Practices and Expressions of our Legacy | 誠品線上

國家地理終極旅遊: 聯合國教科文組織全球57大無形文化遺產

作者 馬西莫.森蒂尼
出版社 White Star S.P.A.
商品描述 The UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage: Cultural Practices and Expressions of our Legacy:WhatdotheGreatWallofChina,Georgia'spolyphonicsinging,theMediterranean


內容簡介 What do the Great Wall of China, Georgia's polyphonic singing, the Mediterranean diet and the Vanuatu sand drawings have in common? Despite their evident dissimilarity, they are all protected by UNESCO, the supranational organisation that is responsible for preserving the common cultural heritage of humanity, protecting it from disappearance and ensuring its conservation for future generations. The Great Wall of China is one of the natural and cultural sites that comprise the famous list of World Heritage Sites, compiled by UNESCO while the other three are part of the Intangible Cultural Heritage list that includes immaterial goods. In fact, in 2003, the UNESCO General Conference adopted the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage with the intent to safeguard the traditional cultures and folklore of our planet. Today, over 400 practices and expressions from more than 100 countries represent the riches and demonstrate the cultural diversity of the populations in the world. Appearing on this variegated list of traditions are the art of the "pizzaiuoli" - the pizza makers of Naples, the Carnival of Basel, the Rebetiko music of Greece, Japanese kabuki theatre, Mexico's Day of the Dead celebration, the Brazilian capoeira, Chinese shadow puppetry and the mass Hindu pilgrimage of faith, Kumbh Mela. This book of photographs and splendid illustrations will guide you on your discovery of the Intangible Cultural Heritage list; a journey that will open your eyes to the cultural riches of our planet and to the importance of preserving them for future generations


書名 / The UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage: Cultural Practices and Expressions of our Legacy
作者 / 馬西莫.森蒂尼
簡介 / The UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage: Cultural Practices and Expressions of our Legacy:WhatdotheGreatWallofChina,Georgia'spolyphonicsinging,theMediterranean
出版社 / White Star S.P.A.
ISBN13 / 9788854413764
ISBN10 / 8854413763
EAN / 9788854413764
誠品26碼 / 2681718173002
頁數 / 272
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 32X23X2.8CM
級別 / N:無
