The World's Most Beautiful Castles | 誠品線上

The World's Most Beautiful Castles

作者 Jasmina Trifoni
出版社 White Star S.P.A.
商品描述 The World's Most Beautiful Castles:愛爾蘭的羅斯城堡(RossCastle)、法國的楓丹白露(ChâteaudeFontainebleau)、德國的新天鵝堡(Neuschwanstein)、美國千島湖的博爾特城堡


內容簡介 愛爾蘭的羅斯城堡(Ross Castle)、法國的楓丹白露(Château de Fontainebleau)、德國的新天鵝堡(Neuschwanstein)、美國千島湖的博爾特城堡(Boldt Castle)、印度的阿格拉堡(Agra Fort)……等,世界各地的城堡是到當地觀光少不了的景點,甚至已成為該地區的象徵。城堡是建築史上非常具代表性的建築形式之一,城堡最原始的功用是防禦,通常會在相較孤立的地區,例如山丘上,城堡發跡自歐洲,之後其他地區也陸續出現類似的建築形態。隨著歷史演變,城堡的功能從防禦,進而成為一種權力和光榮的象徵,在近代也因為童話故事、影視作品等,蒙上一層夢幻的面紗。本書就是介紹世界各地讓大眾最為驚嘆的城堡們,歐洲、亞洲、美洲,甚至非洲的城堡都可以在這本書中一探究竟,除了有精采的照片之外,也加入該城堡的歷史、城堡的建築剖析、在人類歷史上的重要之處。When the Roman legions could no longer successfully defend the borders of the Empire, and its territory was prey to raids and invasions by foreign peoples and armies, there arose the need for a new form of defence. Thus were castles born, along with the development of feudalism and the era now known as the Middle Ages. Placed in isolated positions, often on high ground, castles would become more and more widespread throughout Europe and beyond. Increasingly fortified, to respond to the evolving weapons of the day, they would be built in cities as well and become symbols of power, at times transformed into palaces decorated to represent the glory of their lords. This form of architecture flourished not only in Europe, but also in Asia and Africa, due to the Crusades and colonial expansion. Thus it would eventually reach the Americas â where more recently it would be repurposed as a form of romantic-gothic architecture â and take on new connotations. This book, rich with splendid illustrations and in-depth historical and artistic entries, will take readers on a tour through the world's most beautiful castles, where they will get to know architectural styles of this fortification that has had such importance in human history, and which still today fascinates visitors all around the world.


書名 / The World's Most Beautiful Castles
作者 / Jasmina Trifoni
簡介 / The World's Most Beautiful Castles:愛爾蘭的羅斯城堡(RossCastle)、法國的楓丹白露(ChâteaudeFontainebleau)、德國的新天鵝堡(Neuschwanstein)、美國千島湖的博爾特城堡
出版社 / White Star S.P.A.
ISBN13 / 9788854412651
ISBN10 / 8854412651
EAN / 9788854412651
誠品26碼 / 2681554160006
頁數 / 272
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23X32CM
級別 / N:無
