History of Information Graphics | 誠品線上

History of Information Graphics

作者 Sandra Rendgen/ Julius Wiedemann
商品描述 History of Information Graphics:Intheageofbigdataanddigitaldistribution,whennewstraveleverfurtherandfasterandmediaoutletscompeteforafleetingsliceofonlineattent


內容簡介 In the age of big data and digital distribution, when news travel ever further and faster and media outlets compete for a fleeting slice of online attention, information graphics have swept center stage. At once nuanced and neat, they distill abstract ideas, complex statistics, and cutting-edge discoveries into succinct, compelling, and masterful designs. Cartographers, programmers, statisticians, designers, scientists, and journalists have developed a new field of expertise in visualizing knowledge. This XL-sized compendium explores the history of data graphics from the Middle Ages right through to the digital era. Curated by Sandra Rendgen, some 400 milestones span astronomy, cartography, zoology, technology, and beyond. Across medieval manuscripts and parchment rolls, elaborate maps, splendid popular atlasses, and early computer-based information design, we systematically break down each work's historical context, including such highlights as Martin Waldseemuller's famous world map, the meticulous nature studies of Ernst Haeckel, and many unknown treasures. Hot on the heels of the best-selling Information Graphics and Understanding the World, this third volume fills the gap as an unprecedented reference book for data freaks, designers, historians, and anyone thirsty for knowledge. An enthralling exploration into the teachings, research, and lives of generations past.


作者介紹 Sandra RendgenSandra Rendgen studied art history and cultural studies in Berlin and Amsterdam. Her work both as an editor and in developing concepts for media installations concentrates at the interface between image culture and technology, with a particular focus on data visualization, interactive media and the history of how information is conveyed. She is the author TASCHEN’s Information Graphics and Understanding the World.Julius WiedemannJulius Wiedemann was born in Brazil, where he studied design and marketing, and has lived and worked in Japan, Germany, and the UK. An eclectic expert on design based visual culture, Wiedemann has produced books on a range of topics, from robots to record covers. He holds the positions of Executive Editor for Design and Pop Culture at TASCHEN. Wiedemann studied graphic design and marketing and was an art editor for newspapers and design publications before joining TASCHEN in 2001.Wiedemann has edited over 80 books in 17 years, he is a regular contributor to magazines, and has been on the jury of several awards all over the world. His publications have sold more than 1.5 million copies worldwide, and his titles are immensely popular. As an editor his work is grounded in an interdisciplinary approach to contemporary design, synthesizing a vast array of topics, including logo design, fashion design, graphic design, web design, and product design. Underpinning many of his books is a desire to understand creativity and explore the nature of reality in a world that increasingly takes place online and is populated by characters and creatures not entirely human but of our creation. The wonders of animation, manga, and computer graphics fascinate and inspire him.Julius Wiedemann's TASCHEN titles include the celebrated series Illustration Now! a staple of any designer's bookshelf, as well as the compendium 100 Illustrators. He has also edited the Package Design Book collection. His award-wining Jazz Covers and Rock Covers books showcase his editorial variety and his publication on National Geographic magazine's infographics demonstrates how wide his design knowledge and appreciation extends.


書名 / History of Information Graphics
作者 / Sandra Rendgen Julius Wiedemann
簡介 / History of Information Graphics:Intheageofbigdataanddigitaldistribution,whennewstraveleverfurtherandfasterandmediaoutletscompeteforafleetingsliceofonlineattent
出版社 / TASCHEN GmbH
ISBN13 / 9783836567671
ISBN10 / 3836567679
EAN / 9783836567671
誠品26碼 / 2681782540007
頁數 / 462
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 98:英 德 法 三國語言
尺寸 / 37.6X25.4X5.1CM
級別 / N:無
重量(g) / 3810
