100 Contemporary Concrete Buildings | 誠品線上

100 Contemporary Concrete Buildings

作者 Philip Jodidio
商品描述 100 Contemporary Concrete Buildings:ConcreteHeightsThemostexcitingprojectsbehindthecontemporaryconcretetrendConcrete?ThatcharacterlessstuffofparkinglotsorCommu


內容簡介 Concrete HeightsThe most exciting projects behind the contemporary concrete trendConcrete? That characterless stuff of parking lots or Communist tower blocks, right? Well, yes. And no. Concrete is actually a name applied to a remarkably wide range of building substances, and, when properly handled, is one of the noble materials of contemporary architecture. A kind of “liquid stone” at the outset, it is malleable, durable, and capable of prodigious feats of engineering.This Bibliotheca Universalis edition highlights the best work done in concrete of recent years. It includes such stars as Zaha Hadid, Herzog & de Meuron, and Steven Holl, but also surprising new architects like the Russians SPEECH, rising stars of the international scene like Rudy Ricciotti from France, and artists such as James Turrell, who turned the famous concrete spiral of Frank Lloyd Wright’s Guggenheim in New York into the setting of one of his most remarkable pieces.Text in English, French, and German


書名 / 100 Contemporary Concrete Buildings
作者 / Philip Jodidio
簡介 / 100 Contemporary Concrete Buildings:ConcreteHeightsThemostexcitingprojectsbehindthecontemporaryconcretetrendConcrete?ThatcharacterlessstuffofparkinglotsorCommu
出版社 / TASCHEN GmbH
ISBN13 / 9783836564939
ISBN10 / 3836564939
EAN / 9783836564939
誠品26碼 / 2681620315002
頁數 / 640
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 14X19.5CM
級別 / N:無
