Yang Liu: Big Meets Little | 誠品線上

Yang Liu: Big Meets Little

作者 Yang Liu
商品描述 Yang Liu: Big Meets Little:Aschildren,theworldisourplayground,ourparentsarebothalmightyheroesandmercilessadversaries,andourhomesaretheterritorieswherebigandsma


內容簡介 As children, the world is our playground, our parents are both almighty heroes and merciless adversaries, and our homes are the territories where big and small battle for dominance. As adults, we lament the innocence, boundless wonder, and simple pleasures of childhood. In this fourth installment of Yang Liu's best-selling pictogram series, the award-winning designer encapsulates the delights and debacles of family life with her characteristic measure of wit. Combining minimal infographics with incisive and touching observations about human nature, the crisp pictorials draw upon Liu's Chinese heritage; as in traditional calligraphy, the simpler the depiction, the deeper-seated the truth that is expressed. With graphic precision, Big meets Little takes on the daily happenings of a family home by visually pairing the perspectives of grown-ups and our tiny counterparts. Simultaneously humorous and honest, Liu distills the parenting narrative into bite-sized, insightful lessons. Over 128 pages, the clothbound volume cleverly contrasts the reality of parenthood with the glossy family portraits we're often sold-though not without a dose of tongue-in-cheek humor.


作者介紹 Yang LiuYang Liu was born in 1976 in Beijing. After studying at the University of Arts Berlin (UdK), she worked as a designer in Singapore, London, Berlin, and New York. In 2004 she founded her own design studio, which she continues to run today. In addition to holding workshops and lectures at international conferences, she has taught at numerous universities in Germany and abroad. In 2010 she was appointed a professor at the BTK University of Applied Sciences in Berlin. Her works have won numerous prizes in international competitions and can be found in museums and collections all over the world.


書名 / Yang Liu: Big Meets Little
作者 / Yang Liu
簡介 / Yang Liu: Big Meets Little:Aschildren,theworldisourplayground,ourparentsarebothalmightyheroesandmercilessadversaries,andourhomesaretheterritorieswherebigandsma
出版社 / TASCHEN GmbH
ISBN13 / 9783836573030
ISBN10 / 3836573032
EAN / 9783836573030
誠品26碼 / 2681620309001
頁數 / 128
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 12.9X12.9CM
級別 / N:無