Rem Koolhaas: Elements of Architecture | 誠品線上

Rem Koolhaas: Elements of Architecture

作者 Rem Koolhaas/ Irma Boom
商品描述 Rem Koolhaas: Elements of Architecture:解構建築師雷姆‧庫哈斯的建築元素概述在顯微鏡下的建築細節,建構建築解剖學的必備工具書「這本作品將為建築世界當前和未來的建


內容簡介 解構建築師雷姆‧庫哈斯的建築元素概述在顯微鏡下的建築細節,建構建築解剖學的必備工具書「這本作品將為建築世界當前和未來的建築設計師提供最完整及豐富的知識,有效解決尚未面臨的各種問題。」─《ArchDaily》建築是融合穩定性和流動性的特殊混合物,以固體的形式,將時間與空間交互碰撞,再合併距離的影響,這些與建築相關的元素早已存在超過5000年之久,還有更多元素仍在持續發明中。本書將重點著重於豐富而複雜的建築相關元素,包括窗戶、立面、陽台、走廊、壁爐、樓梯、電扶梯和電梯等,呈現專業建築師在打造空間時,和一般民眾在體驗建築空間時所會感知的元素,以百科全書的方式方便讓所有人皆能理解。以挖掘和敘述的方式介紹建築的細節,也同時記載造就建築演變的各種因素,包括科技優勢、氣候變遷、政治算計、經濟背景和新型態的數據制度。這本探討建築元素的作品,也是作者庫哈斯於2014年威尼斯建築雙年展的策展主題,每一項元素看似多年來沒有太多變化,但都隨著科技與時代不斷演變。而建築師最艱鉅的任務,就是要在這些演變過程中去融合各種不斷變遷的元素,以完成最完美的建築作品。Building PartsA microscopic study of architectural componentsArchitecture is a compelling mixture of stability and flux. In its solid forms, time and space collide, amalgamating distant influences, elements that have been around for over 5,000 years and others that were (re-)invented yesterday.Elements of Architecture focuses on the fragments of the rich and complex architectural collage. Window, facade, balcony, corridor, fireplace, stair, escalator, elevator: The book seeks to excavate the micro-narratives of building detail. The result is no single history, but rather the web of origins, contaminations, similarities, and differences in architectural evolution, including the influence of technological advances, climactic adaptation, political calculation, economic contexts, regulatory requirements, and new digital regimes.Derived from Koolhaas’ exhaustive and much-lauded exhibition at the 2014 Venice Architecture Biennale, this is an essential toolkit to understanding the pieces, parts, and fundamentals that comprise structure around the globe. Designed by Irma Boom, the book contains essays from Rem Koolhaas, Stephan Trueby, Manfredo di Robilant, and Jeffrey Inaba; interviews with Werner Sobek and Tony Fadell (of Nest); an exclusive photo essay by Wolfgang Tillmans; and excerpts from the panel discussions that took place during the biennale.** Rem Koolhaas 限量親筆簽名版已售罄,目前販售為一般無簽名版**


書名 / Rem Koolhaas: Elements of Architecture
作者 / Rem Koolhaas Irma Boom
簡介 / Rem Koolhaas: Elements of Architecture:解構建築師雷姆‧庫哈斯的建築元素概述在顯微鏡下的建築細節,建構建築解剖學的必備工具書「這本作品將為建築世界當前和未來的建
出版社 / TASCHEN GmbH
ISBN13 / 9783836556149
ISBN10 / 3836556146
EAN / 9783836556149
誠品26碼 / 2681500313005
頁數 / 2600
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20X25.5CM
級別 / N:無
