Carl Friedrich Philipp von Martius: The Book of Palms | 誠品線上

Carl Friedrich Philipp von Martius: The Book of Palms

作者 H. Walter Lack
商品描述 Carl Friedrich Philipp von Martius: The Book of Palms:800x600德國植物學家馬齊烏斯最實用豐富的植物圖鑑歡迎來到療癒的植物天堂,240組精美插圖,探索大自然輕易上手


內容簡介 800x600 德國植物學家馬齊烏斯最實用豐富的植物圖鑑歡迎來到療癒的植物天堂,240組精美插圖,探索大自然輕易上手德國植物學家及皇家植物園館長卡爾‧馬齊烏斯(1794-1868)於1814年獲得醫學博士學位,出版了關於大學植物園中的植物分類論文,並致力於研究植物學,逝世那年以新鮮的棕梠葉覆蓋在棺木上,以示他與此生最熱愛的植物長眠。這本植物圖鑑,就是匯集馬齊烏斯從1823至1853年240件植物研究內容,他曾與動物學家Johann Baptist von Spix遠征巴西及祕魯,深入熱愛雨林及亞馬遜,採集大量的植物標本並繪製成冊。收錄各式不尋常的樹木、植物、花朵的解剖圖面及產區介紹,傾囊相授觀察植物的方法,教你如何依場所、高度或是時間的不同,順利尋找與觀察其生活型態。非常適合平面設計師、插畫師及熱愛植物園藝等專業人士參考與應用。 Trees of ParadiseAll known genera of the palm family in 240 exquisite illustrationsOn December 15, 1868, Carl Friedrich Philipp von Martius (1794–1868), Professor of Botany at the University of Munich and director of the Royal Botanic Garden, was carried to his grave in a coffin covered with fresh palm leaves. These were a reference to his groundbreaking Historia naturalis palmarum: opus tripartitum (Natural History of Palms: a work in three volumes), published between 1823 and 1853. At the time, this encyclopedic treasury contained the sum of human knowledge on the topic, and included 240 exquisite chromolithographic illustrations, including landscape views of palm habitats and botanical dissections.This epic folio was based on von Martius’s expedition to Brazil and Peru with zoologist Johann Baptist von Spix, sponsored by King Maximilian I of Bavaria, to investigate natural history and native tribes. From 1817 to 1820 the pair traveled over 2,250 km (1,400 miles) throughout the Amazon basin, the most species-rich palm region in the world, collecting and sketching specimens. On their return both men were awarded knighthoods and lifetime pensions.In his epic work, von Martius outlined the modern classification of palm, produced the first maps of palm biogeography, described all the palms of Brazil, and collated the sum of all known genera of the palm family. Apart from his own collection of specimens and notes, von Martius also wrote about the findings of others. Von Martius’s folio is unusual in its inclusion of cross-sectioned diagrams, conveying the architecture of these mighty trees, which central Europeans would have found hard to imagine accurately. Equally remarkable are the color landscapes showing various palms–often standing alone–which have a simple and elegant beauty. This famous work is an unrivaled landmark in botanic illustration and taxonomy.


書名 / Carl Friedrich Philipp von Martius: The Book of Palms
作者 / H. Walter Lack
簡介 / Carl Friedrich Philipp von Martius: The Book of Palms:800x600德國植物學家馬齊烏斯最實用豐富的植物圖鑑歡迎來到療癒的植物天堂,240組精美插圖,探索大自然輕易上手
出版社 / TASCHEN GmbH
ISBN13 / 9783836566148
ISBN10 / 3836566141
EAN / 9783836566148
誠品26碼 / 2681432544003
頁數 / 442
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 34.5X24.9CM
級別 / N:無
