Tree Houses: Fairy Tale Castles in the Air | 誠品線上

Tree Houses: Fairy Tale Castles in the Air

作者 Philip Jodidio
商品描述 Tree Houses: Fairy Tale Castles in the Air:讓我們一起讚嘆漂浮在空中的童話城堡:50棟高掛樹幹、充滿創意的樹屋。爬到樹上找到一個庇護之所,或者從另一個角度來看地球


內容簡介 讓我們一起讚嘆漂浮在空中的童話城堡:50棟高掛樹幹、充滿創意的樹屋。爬到樹上找到一個庇護之所,或者從另一個角度來看地球,這樣的想法在人類初始就有了。這本物超所值的Taschen版本,為我們帶來世界上最美麗、最具創意與迷人的樹屋,為我們進行一趟最精緻的樹上生活之旅。從浪漫到當代風格,從知名建築師到無名的工匠,你將攀爬至高處,造訪不同結構與樣式的樹屋。從茶館、餐廳、飯店與兒童遊戲屋,到沉思生命、享受視野這樣簡單的安踞樹上,你將發現想像力竟然可以打造出這麼多不同型態的樹屋。本書涵蓋大量的精美照片與插圖,表達出樹屋是對另類生活的頌歌,也是活潑的想像力與對環境敏感的精緻優雅的交會處。Out on a LimbThe sky’s the limit with 50 ingenious tree houses around the worldThe idea of climbing a tree for shelter, or just to see the earth from another perspective, is as old as humanity. In this neat TASCHEN edition, take a tour of some of our finest arboreal adventures with 50 of the most beautiful, inventive, and enchanting tree houses around the world.From romantic to contemporary, from famed architects to little-known craftsmen, you’ll scale the heights to visit all manner of treetop structures, from a teahouse, restaurant, hotel, and children’s playhouse to simple perches from which to contemplate life, enjoy the view, and discover that tree houses take as many forms as the imagination can offer. With an abundance of gorgeous photographs and illustrations, this is an ode to alternate living, where playful imagination meets eco-sensitive finesse.About the series:Bibliotheca Universalis— Compact cultural companions celebrating the eclectic TASCHEN universe at an unbeatable, democratic price!Since we started our work as cultural archaeologists in 1980, the name TASCHEN has become synonymous with accessible, open-minded publishing. Bibliotheca Universalis brings together nearly 100 of our all-time favorite titles in a neat new format so you can curate your own affordable library of art, anthropology, and aphrodisia.Bookworm’s delight — never bore, always excite!


作者介紹 Philip JodidioPhilip Jodidio在哈佛大學研習藝術史與經濟學,編輯《認識藝術》雜誌 (Connaissance des Arts)超過20年的時間。他在Taschen出版的書包括Architecture Now! 系列,以及著名建築師安藤忠雄、Norman Foster, Renzo Piano, Jean Nouvel, Shigeru Ban, Oscar Niemeyer, 與Zaha Hadid的專書。


書名 / Tree Houses: Fairy Tale Castles in the Air
作者 / Philip Jodidio
簡介 / Tree Houses: Fairy Tale Castles in the Air:讓我們一起讚嘆漂浮在空中的童話城堡:50棟高掛樹幹、充滿創意的樹屋。爬到樹上找到一個庇護之所,或者從另一個角度來看地球
出版社 / TASCHEN GmbH
ISBN13 / 9783836561877
ISBN10 / 3836561875
EAN / 9783836561877
誠品26碼 / 2681432431006
頁數 / 544
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.6X14CM
級別 / N:無
