The New York Times: 36 Hours, Los Angeles & Beyond | 誠品線上

The New York Times: 36 Hours, Los Angeles & Beyond

作者 Taschen
商品描述 The New York Times: 36 Hours, Los Angeles & Beyond:藝術圖書出版社TASCHEN最受歡迎的旅遊書系列36Hours,將《紐約時報》旅遊專欄上的文字輔以大量的照片,提供旅人在36


內容簡介 藝術圖書出版社TASCHEN最受歡迎的旅遊書系列36 Hours,將《紐約時報》旅遊專欄上的文字輔以大量的照片,提供旅人在36小時內深度體驗知名景點的必遊之處,特別適合商務旅行人士,在一周的公務行程後,從周五下午到周日,為自己與友人安排一場包含藝術、飲食、甚至時尚的體驗之旅。本系列包含了許多重要的旅遊資訊,如:詳細的地圖、索引、建議的餐廳與飯店,保證你絕對不會錯過必去之地。本書介紹洛杉磯與附近知名城市,從聖塔芭芭拉(Santa Barbara)老派舞廳的搖擺舞到最精緻的西班牙捲餅,或者在馬里布(Malibu)追著夕陽,這本旅遊指南提供的是酷炫的建議。介紹的景點有:洛杉磯、它的市中心、好萊塢、帕薩迪納、聖塔莫尼卡、馬里布、長灘、聖地牙哥、棕櫚泉、死亡谷、拉斯維加斯、聖塔芭芭拉、酒鄉Sonoma與舊金山...等。Pacific winds: Adventures for AngelenosThe City of Angels is fluttering its wings. As one bright young thing after another heads West, the city s art, food, and fashion scenes are abuzz with imaginative energy and optimism. To get a handle on all that creativity can be dizzying, especially if you only have a Friday through Sunday to explore.Luckily, this regional special in TASCHEN s best selling travel series with The New York Times distills the best in eats, drinks, and experiences into perfectly packaged 36-hour adventures, so you can transform each weekend into an adventure through LA and beyond. From swinging through old-school dance halls to tucking into the finest tacos in Santa Barbara, or chasing the sunset in Malibu, take off with a travelogue of cool and quirky inspirations.Featured destinations: Los Angeles, Los Angeles Downtown, Hollywood, Pasadena, Santa Monica, Malibu, Long Beach, San Diego, Palm Springs, Death Valley, Las Vegas, Santa Barbara, Carmel, Sonoma County, San Francisco


書名 / The New York Times: 36 Hours, Los Angeles & Beyond
作者 / Taschen
簡介 / The New York Times: 36 Hours, Los Angeles & Beyond:藝術圖書出版社TASCHEN最受歡迎的旅遊書系列36Hours,將《紐約時報》旅遊專欄上的文字輔以大量的照片,提供旅人在36
出版社 / TASCHEN GmbH
ISBN13 / 9783836539425
ISBN10 / 383653942X
EAN / 9783836539425
誠品26碼 / 2681290485005
頁數 / 80
注音版 /
裝訂 / S:軟精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 13.7X19.6CM
級別 / N:無
