Monet (New Ed.) | 誠品線上

Monet (New Ed.)

作者 Christoph Heinrich
商品描述 Monet (New Ed.):莫內(1840~1926年)最具代表性的印象派畫家。終其一生,致力用繪圖來感覺現實的面貌。無論是「花園裡的女人們」、「日出印象」、「荷花」等作品,他如


內容簡介 莫內(1840~1926年)最具代表性的印象派畫家。終其一生,致力用繪圖來感覺現實的面貌。無論是「花園裡的女人們」、「日出印象」、「荷花」等作品,他如詩如畫的作品,彷彿用感覺而不是畫筆勾勒出來的,將人類對景致、對自然的感情發揮得淋漓盡致,86歲的生命,雖有坎坷起伏,但他的畫作卻始終讓人感受到活力與詩意,這是一種龐大的生命力量才能換化而成。TASCHEN,以客觀的角度、完整的內容,呈現這位捕捉現實中千變萬化的偉大藝術家莫內的生平與作品。Prince of the ImpressionistsCapturing the ever-changing face of realityHailed the Prince of the Impressionists , Claude Monet (1840-1926) transformed expectations for the purpose of paint on canvas. Defying the precedent of centuries, Monet did not seek to render only reality, but the act of perception itself. Working en plein air with rapid, impetuous brush strokes, he interrogated the play of light on the hues, patterns, and contours and the way in which these visual impressions fall upon the eye.Monet's interest in this space between the motif and the artist encompassed too the ephemeral nature of each image we see. In his beloved water lily series, as well as in paintings of poplars, grain stacks, and the Rouen cathedral, he returned to the same motif in different seasons, different weather conditions, and at different times of the day, to explore the constant mutability of our visual environment.This book offers the essential introduction to an artist whose works simultaneously reflected upon the purpose of a picture and the passage of time, and in so doing transformed irrevocably the story of art.


書名 / Monet (New Ed.)
作者 / Christoph Heinrich
簡介 / Monet (New Ed.):莫內(1840~1926年)最具代表性的印象派畫家。終其一生,致力用繪圖來感覺現實的面貌。無論是「花園裡的女人們」、「日出印象」、「荷花」等作品,他如
出版社 / TASCHEN GmbH
ISBN13 / 9783836503990
ISBN10 / 3836503999
EAN / 9783836503990
誠品26碼 / 2681236336002
頁數 / 96
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 26X21CM
級別 / N:無