內容簡介 用圖案彰顯企業特色,用貼圖表達個人心情,這是一個LOGO年代。好LOGO要一眼就能懂,容易辨識,易於記憶,最好還有幽默的會心一笑,TASCHEN出版的Logo Design堪稱最完整的「視」界Logo大全,收集世界不同產業,不同品牌,還有不同文化的標誌,每一個圖形意味著背後龐大的視覺探索,與符號解讀,更多的是視覺效果和品牌標誌背後的哲學意義。有太多從未見過的Logo,充滿創意的圖騰有如雨後春筍,蓬勃發展,讓人大開眼界,嘆為觀止。全書分門別類,依照時尚、媒體、音樂、得獎等主題組合成這本Logo Design,是為從事設計與行銷的學生和專業人士一個重量級的參考。Sure signsDiverse logos from around the worldA good logo can glamorize just about anything. Now available in our popular Klotz format, this sweeping compendium gathers diverse brand markers from around the world to explore the irrepressible power of graphic representation. Organized into chapters by theme, the catalog explores how text, image, and ideas distil into a logo across events, fashion, media, music, and retailers.Featuring work from both star names and lesser-known mavericks, this is an excellent reference for students and professionals in design and marketing, as well as for anyone interested in the visuals and philosophy behind brand identity.