The Making of Murdoch: Power, Politics and What Shaped the Man Who Owns the Media | 誠品線上

The Making of Murdoch: Power, Politics and What Shaped the Man Who Owns the Media

作者 Tom Roberts
商品描述 The Making of Murdoch: Power, Politics and What Shaped the Man Who Owns the Media:新聞媒體大亨:魯柏·梅鐸RupertMurdoch'sextraordinarycareerhasnoparallel.Hiscon


內容簡介 Rupert Murdoch's extraordinary career has no parallel. His control of Fox news, which so successfully supports the Trump presidency, is a key force in American politics. In the UK, his control of The Sun and The Times leaves politicians scrambling to get him onside. But what do we know about the man himself? This book looks closely at the Murdochs, focusing on Rupert's father Keith, who built the family's media power and cultivated the anti-establishment instincts that his son Rupert is known for. Roberts traces the life of the Murdochs, how Rupert Murdoch's view of the world was formed, and assesses it's impact on the media that influences our politics today.


作者介紹 Tom is a media historian and biographer. Based in London, he works with archives and institutions internationally.


書名 / The Making of Murdoch: Power, Politics and What Shaped the Man Who Owns the Media
作者 / Tom Roberts
簡介 / The Making of Murdoch: Power, Politics and What Shaped the Man Who Owns the Media:新聞媒體大亨:魯柏·梅鐸RupertMurdoch'sextraordinarycareerhasnoparallel.Hiscon
ISBN13 / 9781788315111
ISBN10 / 1788315111
EAN / 9781788315111
誠品26碼 / 2681861118004
頁數 / 240
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.5X16.6X2.3CM
級別 / N:無
