內容簡介 【走進閱讀世界|迷誠品:專文推薦】標題|《愛x死x機器人》:我們改變不了痛苦,但能改變看待痛苦的能力 #閱讀Netflix影劇撰文|Lexi Hsu.責任編輯 | Millie 米粒重口味成人動畫《愛x死x機器人 》第二季於今年五月正式在Netflix上架,延續前一季獵奇、刺激等劇情,注入更多人性與科技相關議題,用極短小的篇幅撐起一部電影的重量,剛好符合現代人看劇喜歡「快轉」省時間的習慣。影集中並非全然的血腥暴力,就算你並非愛好科技的觀眾,也能從此影集中的不同故事,獲得不少省思和生活啟示。☞點此進入迷誠品閱讀文章A fabulous collection spanning the galaxies and career of SF superstar Alastair ReynoldsReynolds' pursuit of truth is not limited to wide-angle star smashing - not that stars don't get pulverised when one character is gifted (or cursed) with an awful weapon by the legendary Merlin. Reynolds' protagonists find themselves in situations of betrayal, whether by a loved one's accidental death, as in 'Signal to Noise', or by a trusted wartime authority, in 'Spirey and the Queen'. His fertile imagination can resurrect Elton John on Mars in 'Understanding Space and Time' or make prophets of the human condition out of pool-cleaning robots in the title story.But overall, the stories in ZIMA BLUE represent a more optimistic take on humanity's future, a view that says there may be wars, there may be catastrophes and cosmic errors, but something human will still survive."