How to Steal Fire: The Myths of Creativity Exposed, The Truths of Creativity Explained | 誠品線上

How to Steal Fire: The Myths of Creativity Exposed, The Truths of Creativity Explained

作者 Stephen Bayley/ Roger Mavity
商品描述 How to Steal Fire: The Myths of Creativity Exposed, The Truths of Creativity Explained:英國設計宗師StephenBailey與廣告奇才兼攝影師作家RogerMavity合作,探討”創


內容簡介 英國設計宗師Stephen Bailey與廣告奇才兼攝影師作家Roger Mavity合作,探討”創意”的真諦。1980年代,英國設計教父Terence Conran連袂維多利亞與亞伯特博物館(V&A),在館內廢棄的鍋爐室舉辦了第一屆的工業產品設計展,名為《鍋爐室計畫》,結果大獲成功,它也成為倫敦設計博物館的濫觴。這個影響深遠的工業產品設計展,是Terence Conran在本書作者之一Stephen Bayley的協助下所完成,Bayley也順理成章地成為倫敦設計博物館的共同創辦人之一。對從事設計的人來說,創意至關重要。它驅動創新,提振經濟,使人發揮潛力。但是創意到底是什麼?人們對它的評價是否過高?到底點子是怎麼生成的?本書的兩位作者破除了目前人們對這個複雜議題的迷思與錯誤的觀念,告訴讀者如何大膽思考並無畏挑戰,他們還檢視了關於創意的所有面向:發明、想像力、感受與發現等各方面的創意,他們要顯現的是我們經常忽略的真相。最後,本書要幫助你從數據主導的文化中找回你自己,並且激發你天馬行空的想法。Creativity is a powerful force. It drives innovation, boosts our economy and enables us to fulfil our human potential. But what actually is creativity? Is it overrated? And where exactly do ideas come from in the first place?In this book, design gurus Stephen Bayley and Roger Mavity debunk the myths and common misconceptions that form our current thinking around this complex subject. In showing readers how to think boldly and remain undaunted by challenges, they examine the phenomenon from all sides: not only the creativity of invention and of imagination but also that of perception and of discovery, in order to reveal the truths we often overlook.Ultimately, How to Steal Fire will help you reclaim yourself from the anonymous dreariness of a data-driven culture and spark imaginative thought.


書名 / How to Steal Fire: The Myths of Creativity Exposed, The Truths of Creativity Explained
作者 / Stephen Bayley Roger Mavity
簡介 / How to Steal Fire: The Myths of Creativity Exposed, The Truths of Creativity Explained:英國設計宗師StephenBailey與廣告奇才兼攝影師作家RogerMavity合作,探討”創
ISBN13 / 9780593080085
ISBN10 / 0593080084
EAN / 9780593080085
誠品26碼 / 2681715718008
頁數 / 256
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 24.7X19X2.1CM
級別 / N:無