內容簡介 《購物狂的異想世界》作者蘇菲.金索拉最新小說。”修理”小姐的命運,在收到”欠妳一份情”的咖啡杯套後全然改變了。她願意拋開枷鎖,過著自己想要的生活嗎?Fixie人如其名,總是不由自主地想修理好每一件事。東西歪斜了,就把它們擺正;幾乎看不見的污漬,也要想辦法清除;朋友有難,就要盡力幫忙,努力實踐父親”家人優先”的座右銘。父親過世後,她一手打理他留下來的生活用品店,時不時還得處理手足不願做的事情,把自己搞得焦頭爛額。想自行創業?門都沒有!一日在咖啡店解救了一個陌生人的手提電腦,他在咖啡杯套上匆忙寫下”欠妳一份情”幾個字,並且附上自己的名片。原來他叫Sebastian,是名投資客。Fixie對Sebastian的留言一笑置之,有這麼嚴重嗎?只不過是意外保護了人家的電腦,哪裡有要他還這份人情的道理?不料,Fixie兒時迷戀的對象Ryan重返她的生命中,為了幫助失業的他,Fixie希望Sebastian能夠給Ryan一份工作,這下換成Fixie欠Sebastian一份恩情了。此時的Fixie在家事與真正想要的生活裡掙扎,她有勇氣對家人表達立場,並且抓住真愛嗎?The irresistible new standalone from Sophie Kinsella is a story of love, empowerment and an IOU that changes everything . . .Fixie Farr can’t help herself. Straightening a crooked object, removing a barely-there stain, helping out a friend . . . she just has to put things right. It’s how she got her nickname, after all.So when a handsome stranger in a coffee shop asks her to watch his laptop for a moment, Fixie not only agrees, she ends up saving it from certain disaster. To thank her, the computer’s owner, Sebastian, scribbles her an IOU – but of course Fixie never intends to call in the favour.That is, until her teenage crush, Ryan, comes back into her life and needs her help – and Fixie turns to Seb. But things don’t go according to plan, and now Fixie owes Seb: big time.Soon the pair are caught up in a series of IOUs – from small favours to life-changing debts – and Fixie is torn between the past she’s used to and the future she deserves.Does she have the courage to fix things for herself and fight for the life, and love, she really wants?***** EVERYBODY LOVES SOPHIE KINSELLA: *****'A shot of pure joy.' JENNY COLGAN'Left me giddy with laughter. I loved it' JOJO MOYES'Life doesn't get much better than a new Sophie Kinsella novel' RED