AIQ: How Artificial Intelligence Works and How We Can Harness Its Power for a Better World | 誠品線上

AIQ: How Artificial Intelligence Works and How We Can Harness Its Power for a Better World

作者 Nick Polson/ James Scott
商品描述 AIQ: How Artificial Intelligence Works and How We Can Harness Its Power for a Better World:「人工智能」對許多人來說可能還是一個很遙遠的名詞,或者只存在於科幻電


內容簡介 「人工智能」對許多人來說可能還是一個很遙遠的名詞,或者只存在於科幻電影中,但事實上,現代人生活和人工智能已脫離不了關係,最好的例子就是人手一支的智慧型手機。 這本書不僅要告訴讀者人工智能的普及,還要揭開它的神秘面紗,每一章作者說明不同企業中使用的演算法,用故事的方式回溯過往,在電腦時代前,我們是用什麼方式解決類似的問題。 以這樣的方式將AI(人工智能)和IQ(人類智商指數)結合成本書書名AIQ,也說明人類的進步兩者缺一不可。 這樣的結合並不簡單,雖然人工智能快速且便利,但遇上重大問題,交由人工智能來決定還是不免讓人膽戰心驚。 作者認為,現代生活本來就有這些膽戰心驚的瞬間存在,無論如何,不得不承認有時候人工智能比人腦聰明多了,妥善利用AI就有可能為人類帶來一個更快樂、健康的生活。Two leading data scientists offer an up-close and user-friendly look at artificial intelligence: what it is, how it works, where it came from and how to harness its power for a better world. 'There comes a time in the life of a subject when someone steps up and writes the book about it. AIQ explores the fascinating history of the ideas that drive this technology of the future and demystifies the core concepts behind it; the result is a positive and entertaining look at the great potential unlocked by marrying human creativity with powerful machines.' Steven D. Levitt, co-author of Freakonomics Dozens of times per day, we all interact with intelligent machines that are constantly learning from the wealth of data now available to them. These machines, from smart phones to talking robots to self-driving cars, are remaking the world in the twenty first century in the same way that the Industrial Revolution remade the world in the nineteenth. AIQ is based on a simple premise: if you want to understand the modern world, then you have to know a little bit of the mathematical language spoken by intelligent machines. AIQ will teach you that language but in an unconventional way, anchored in stories rather than equations. You will meet a fascinating cast of historical characters who have a lot to teach you about data, probability and better thinking. Along the way, you'll see how these same ideas are playing out in the modern age of big data and intelligent machines, and how these technologies will soon help you to overcome some of your built-in cognitive weaknesses, giving you a chance to lead a happier, healthier, more fulfilled life.


書名 / AIQ: How Artificial Intelligence Works and How We Can Harness Its Power for a Better World
作者 / Nick Polson James Scott
簡介 / AIQ: How Artificial Intelligence Works and How We Can Harness Its Power for a Better World:「人工智能」對許多人來說可能還是一個很遙遠的名詞,或者只存在於科幻電
ISBN13 / 9780593079782
ISBN10 / 0593079787
EAN / 9780593079782
誠品26碼 / 2681579589004
頁數 / 272
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 15.3X23.4X1.9CM
級別 / N:無
