The President is Missing | 誠品線上

The President is Missing

作者 President Bill Clinton/ James Patterson
商品描述 The President is Missing:美國前總統柯林頓寫小說!「夢幻團隊獻出一流的故事,柯林頓內行人的領導秘辛,加上派特森精彩的說故事技巧,將讓這本小說成為十年來最厲害的政


內容簡介 美國前總統柯林頓寫小說!「夢幻團隊獻出一流的故事,柯林頓內行人的領導秘辛,加上派特森精彩的說故事技巧,將讓這本小說成為十年來最厲害的政治驚悚小說。」─李查德這是一本只有當過總統的人可以寫出的小說,美國前總統柯林頓和世界知名的懸疑小說作家派特森聯手,以許多柯林頓管理美國政府的內幕所編織,其中結局的翻轉讓讀者們大呼過癮。背景為美國總統當肯收到土耳其即將用電腦病毒攻擊美國,當肯親自找到病毒設計者希望可以勸她改變心意,但過程並不順利,外界甚至謠傳有刺客等著刺殺當肯。當肯的問題還不只這些,他發現自己的幕僚中有內鬼,最後他能信任的,是否居然是其他國家的政府官員?整個故事在幾天內展開到結束,總共有一百二十八篇的短篇,雖然有許多柯林頓的政治元素,但其中故事的緊湊、商業小說的元素,都可以看見派特森的功力,好奇兩大人物聯手會有怎樣結果的讀者千萬不能錯過。The dream team delivers big time … Clinton’s insider secrets and Patterson’s storytelling genius make this the political thriller of the decade.’ – Lee ChildThe President is Missing. The world is in shock.But the reason he’s missing is much worse than anyone can imagine.With details only a President could know, and the kind of suspense only James Patterson can deliver.‘A bullet train of a thriller. The Day of the Jackal for the twenty-first century.’ – A.J. Finn, author of The Woman in the Window‘Yes, The President is Missing is fiction – it’s a thriller – but James Patterson and I have come up with three of the most frightening days in the history of the presidency. And it could really happen... These days, the seemingly impossible can happen. And it happens so fast. I believe that readers will not soon forget President Jonathan Duncan and his story.’ – Bill Clinton‘Needless to say, we had some great conversations about the presidency, what life in Washington is really like, and about the state of America and the rest of the world.’ – James Patterson‘I felt like I was right along with the characters for the shocking twists and turns you’ll never guess are coming. Patterson and Clinton have created a truly unique character in their ‘missing’ President. The President is Missing puts the listener inside the White House and inside the mind of a President grappling with extraordinary circumstances.’ – Dennis Quaid on the audiobook of The President is Missing


書名 / The President is Missing
作者 / President Bill Clinton James Patterson
簡介 / The President is Missing:美國前總統柯林頓寫小說!「夢幻團隊獻出一流的故事,柯林頓內行人的領導秘辛,加上派特森精彩的說故事技巧,將讓這本小說成為十年來最厲害的政
ISBN13 / 9781787460171
ISBN10 / 1787460177
EAN / 9781787460171
誠品26碼 / 2681715799007
頁數 / 320
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.8X12.6X0CM
級別 / N:無
