The Hidden Life of Trees (Illustrated Ed.) | 誠品線上

The Hidden Life of Trees (Illustrated Ed.)

作者 Peter Wohlleben
出版社 Ingram Publishers Services
商品描述 The Hidden Life of Trees (Illustrated Ed.):精湛的視覺饗宴,重現樹的秘密生活的多變與美好森林守護者彼得‧渥雷本邀您漫步及聆聽森林,親身體驗發現之旅德國林務員彼得


內容簡介 精湛的視覺饗宴,重現樹的秘密生活的多變與美好森林守護者彼得‧渥雷本邀您漫步及聆聽森林,親身體驗發現之旅德國林務員彼得‧渥雷本以《樹的秘密生命》成為暢銷冠軍,以文字分享森林和樹木的各種趣事及冷知識。這次他將以精彩及驚豔的圖片,再度帶領讀者一同深入森林,跟著他漫遊森林,理解樹木的奇妙生態。圖文版除了重現原版內容,還新增全球各種樹木的大篇幅全彩圖片,感受渥雷本對於森林及樹木無私奉獻的尊重與愛護。作者以獨特的見解剖析樹木之間也有語言,森林透過生態體系的相互連接,以真菌作為溝通的媒介,以達到一種獨特的互聯網。美麗的插圖為渥雷本的文字增添完美註解,不論是樹皮和種子的特寫,或是廣闊的森林全景,都將帶領讀者重新認識樹木之間美麗的情誼與生命詩篇。A visually stunning journey into the diversity and wonders of forests.In his international bestseller The Hidden Life of Trees, Peter Wohlleben opened readers’ eyes to the amazing processes at work in forests every day. Now this new, breathtakingly illustrated edition brings those wonders to life like never before.With compelling selections from the original book and stunning, large-format photographs of trees from around the world, this gorgeous volume distills the essence of Wohlleben’s message to show trees in all their glory and diversity. Through rich language highlighting the interconnectedness of forest ecosystems, the book offers fascinating insights about the fungal communication highway known as the “wood wide web,” the difficult life lessons learned in tree school, the hard-working natural cleanup crews that recycle dying trees, and much more. Beautiful images provide the perfect complement to Wohlleben’s words, with striking close-ups of bark and seeds, panoramas of vast expanses of green, and a unique look at what is believed to be the oldest tree on the planet.


作者介紹 Peter Wohlleben is the acclaimed author of the international bestsellers The Hidden Life of Trees and The Inner Life of Animals. He spent over twenty years working for the forestry commission in Germany before leaving to put his ecological ideas into practice. Today he manages a forest academy and an environmentally friendly woodland in Germany, where he is working for the return of primeval forests.Jane Billinghurst’s career has been in book publishing in the UK, the US, and Canada, as an editor, publisher, writer, and translator.


書名 / The Hidden Life of Trees (Illustrated Ed.)
作者 / Peter Wohlleben
簡介 / The Hidden Life of Trees (Illustrated Ed.):精湛的視覺饗宴,重現樹的秘密生活的多變與美好森林守護者彼得‧渥雷本邀您漫步及聆聽森林,親身體驗發現之旅德國林務員彼得
出版社 / Ingram Publishers Services
ISBN13 / 9781771643481
ISBN10 / 177164348X
EAN / 9781771643481
誠品26碼 / 2681646428007
頁數 / 176
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 25.9X23.3X2CM
級別 / N:無
