Sea Prayer | 誠品線上

Sea Prayer

作者 卡勒德.胡賽尼
商品描述 Sea Prayer:《追風箏的人》作者新書2015年9月,敘利亞小難民亞藍.庫迪冰冷的身體被沖刷至土耳其海邊,他俯臥沙灘的照片,震驚了全世界,也讓世人留下無數的眼淚。《追風


內容簡介 《追風箏的人》作者新書 2015年9月,敘利亞小難民亞藍.庫迪冰冷的身體被沖刷至土耳其海邊,他俯臥沙灘的照片,震驚了全世界,也讓世人留下無數的眼淚。《追風箏的孩子》作者卡勒德.胡賽尼以書信體方式寫下這本新作《海邊的祈禱》(Sea Prayer),用來紀念亞藍逝世三周年,並向百萬難民家庭致意。書信前半描述了父子這一家在敘利亞霍姆斯城的平靜生活,他們”在清晨微風吹動橄欖樹的沙沙聲中甦醒”,但是戰爭帶來了饑荒與葬禮,使他們不得不離開家鄉。就在搭船啟程的前一晚,父親看著兒子熟睡的臉龐,擔憂危險重重的跨海之旅。於是,父親向海祈禱,未來的旅程一路平安。胡賽尼以他抒情的筆觸,寫下父親對孩子的愛。書中的水彩插圖,從前半部的大地色系表現家鄉的溫暖,到後半部以灰色調傳達戰爭帶來的困境,灰藍色大海象徵的未知恐懼,前後對比的插圖更加深了文字的張力。來自阿富汗的胡賽尼對當今數百萬難民家庭感同身受,作為聯合國難民署的親善大使,他將這本書的作者收益全數捐給聯合國難民署與胡賽尼基金會,用來幫助世界各地的難民們。The #1 New York Times-bestselling author of The Kite Runner, A Thousand Splendid Suns, and And the Mountains Echoed responds to the heartbreak of the current refugee crisis with this deeply moving, beautifully illustrated short work of fiction for people of all ages, all over the world.A short, powerful, illustrated book written by beloved novelist Khaled Hosseini in response to the current refugee crisis, Sea Prayer is composed in the form of a letter, from a father to his son, on the eve of their journey. Watching over his sleeping son, the father reflects on the dangerous sea-crossing that lies before them. It is also a vivid portrait of their life in Homs, Syria, before the war, and of that city's swift transformation from a home into a deadly war zone.Impelled to write this story by the haunting image of young Alan Kurdi, the three-year-old Syrian boy whose body washed upon the beach in Turkey in September 2015, Hosseini hopes to pay tribute to the millions of families, like Kurdi's, who have been splintered and forced from home by war and persecution, and he will donate author proceeds from this book to the UNHCR (the UN Refugee Agency) and The Khaled Hosseini Foundation to help fund lifesaving relief efforts to help refugees around the globe.Khaled Hosseini is one of the most widely read writers in the world, with more than fifty-five million copies of his novels sold worldwide in more than seventy countries. Hosseini is also a Goodwill Envoy to the UNHCR, and the founder of The Khaled Hosseini Foundation, a nonprofit that provides humanitarian assistance to the people of Afghanistan."


作者介紹 Khaled HosseiniKhaled Hosseini was born in Kabul, Afghanistan, and moved to the United States in 1980. He is the author of the New York Times bestsellers The Kite Runner, A Thousand Splendid Suns, and And the Mountains Echoed. Hosseini is also a U.S. Goodwill Envoy to the UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, and the founder of The Khaled Hosseini Foundation, a nonprofit that provides humanitarian assistance to the people of Afghanistan.


書名 / Sea Prayer
作者 / 卡勒德.胡賽尼
簡介 / Sea Prayer:《追風箏的人》作者新書2015年9月,敘利亞小難民亞藍.庫迪冰冷的身體被沖刷至土耳其海邊,他俯臥沙灘的照片,震驚了全世界,也讓世人留下無數的眼淚。《追風
ISBN13 / 9780525539094
ISBN10 / 0525539093
EAN / 9780525539094
誠品26碼 / 2681596208001
頁數 / 48
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 24X15.5X0.5CM
級別 / N:無
