Can You Outsmart an Economist? 100+Puzzles to Train Your Brain | 誠品線上

Can You Outsmart an Economist? 100+Puzzles to Train Your Brain

作者 Steven Landsburg
商品描述 Can You Outsmart an Economist? 100+Puzzles to Train Your Brain:你有可能比一個經濟學家還聰明嗎?不要花時間懷疑自己的能力,趕緊翻開這本由經濟學教授StevenLandsbur


內容簡介 你有可能比一個經濟學家還聰明嗎?不要花時間懷疑自己的能力,趕緊翻開這本由經濟學教授Steven Landsburg編寫的訓練手冊!其中蒐集了一百則以上的題目,每一則都非常有趣、顛覆傳統,從暖身題目開始讓大腦開始動起來,接著是邏輯和機率問題,策略、推論相關的腦筋急轉彎緊接著之後登場。經過這一百題的訓練,大腦運作的速度加快、邏輯理性思考的技巧提升、決策制定和問題解決的能力大增,這本書帶給你的不只是娛樂價值,還有更實際的回饋!“Will delight and inform anyone who enjoys rigorous thinking and the unexpected conclusions it delivers.” — Jamie Whyte, author of Crimes Against Logic“This ingenious gallop through the mind of Steven Landsburg enables you to think like an economist without incurring a Keynesian headache or a huge student loan. You may even end up ‘smarter than Google.’ But you will not readily put down this exhilarating adventure in ideas.” — George Gilder, author of Knowledge and Power and Life After Google Can you outsmart an economist? Steven Landsburg, acclaimed author and professor of economics, dares you to try. In this whip-smart, entertaining, and entirely unconventional economics primer, he brings together over one hundred puzzles and brain teasers that illustrate the subject’s key concepts and pitfalls. From warm-up exercises to get your brain working, to logic and probability problems, to puzzles covering more complex topics like inferences, strategy, and irrationality, Can You Outsmart an Economist? will show you how to do just that by expanding the way you think about decision making and problem solving. Let the games begin! “Entertaining as well as edifying. Read it, expand your mind, and have fun!”— N. Gregory Mankiw, Robert M. Beren Professor of Economics, Harvard University


作者介紹 STEVEN E. LANDSBURG is the author of More Sex Is Safer Sex, The Big Questions, and the hugely popular The Armchair Economist, among others. He has written for Forbes, Slate, the Wall Street Journal, and many other publications.


書名 / Can You Outsmart an Economist? 100+Puzzles to Train Your Brain
作者 / Steven Landsburg
簡介 / Can You Outsmart an Economist? 100+Puzzles to Train Your Brain:你有可能比一個經濟學家還聰明嗎?不要花時間懷疑自己的能力,趕緊翻開這本由經濟學教授StevenLandsbur
ISBN13 / 9781328489869
ISBN10 / 1328489868
EAN / 9781328489869
誠品26碼 / 2681681346007
頁數 / 304
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20.3X13.5X2.1CM
級別 / N:無