Visual Intelligence: Sharpen Your Perception, Change Your Life | 誠品線上

Visual Intelligence: Sharpen Your Perception, Change Your Life

作者 Amy E. Herman
商品描述 Visual Intelligence: Sharpen Your Perception, Change Your Life:藝術史學家AmyHerman知名的講座〈感知的藝術〉(TheArtofPerception),已經訓練了來自各領域的專家,在


內容簡介 訓練你的「視覺智能」,你將比他人更善於觀察與溝通,以此解決生命中的大小問題,避開危險,找到更多的機會。「犀利且原創,本書會改變讀者看世界的方式。」-《柯克斯評論》「這本精彩且插圖精美的書,將使你以從未有過的方式來更清楚地看待這個世界,那種清晰將轉變你解決每日所面對挑戰與機會的方式。」- 曼羅迪諾(Leonard Mlodinow -《醉漢走路》與Subliminal作者)看懂莫內的《睡蓮》可以為公司省下數百萬美金?注意人們腳上穿的,可以阻止一次恐怖攻擊事件?選一個不一樣的形容詞,可以贏得一場辯論、安撫你的孩子、甚至抓到小偷?藝術史學家Amy Herman知名的講座〈感知的藝術〉(The Art of Perception),已經訓練了來自各領域的專家,在感知與溝通上更上一層。透過觀察圖像,磨練所謂的「視覺智能」,這是一套我們所擁有但鮮少有人知道如何有效使用的技能。作者花了超過10年的時間,訓練醫師觀察病人,而非盯著醫學報告;她幫助警察在審問罪犯時,如何從意見當中分離出事實;她並且訓練了來自FBI、美國國務院、《財富》五百大企業、以及軍方人士,識別出相關且有用的資訊。本書集結了她的講座內容,不只要你留意你可能錯失的實物,她還告訴你如何辨認出每天圍繞在你身邊的天才、機會與危險。“Sharp and original, this book should alter how readers look at the world. " —Kirkus“This fascinating and beautifully illustrated book will make you see the world more clearly than you ever have before. And that clarity will transform how you deal with the challenges and opportunities you face every day.” — Leonard Mlodinow, author of Subliminal and The Drunkard’s WalkHow could looking at Monet’s water lily paintings help save a company millions? How can noticing people’s footwear foil a terrorist attack? How can your choice of adjective win an argument, calm your children, or catch a thief?​In her celebrated seminar, The Art of Perception, art historian Amy Herman has trained experts from many fields to perceive and communicate better. By showing people how to look closely at images, she helps them hone their “visual intelligence,” a set of skills we all possess but few of us know how to use effectively. She has spent more than a decade teaching doctors to observe patients instead of their charts, helping police officers separate facts from opinions when investigating a crime, and training professionals from the FBI, the State Department, Fortune 500 companies, and the military to recognize the most pertinent and useful information. Her lessons highlight far more than the physical objects you may be missing; they teach you how to recognize the talents, opportunities, and dangers that surround you every day. “Herman offers a compelling case for the life-enhancing value—and central importance—of careful observation . . . Visual Intelligence is a fascinating book and an important one—and it is a great read.” —Daniel Weiss, president of the Metropolitan Museum of Art


作者介紹 AMY E. HERMAN is a lawyer and art historian. She teaches for a range of institutions, including the New York City Police Department, the FBI, and the Department of Defense. She holds an AB, a JD, and an MA in art history.


書名 / Visual Intelligence: Sharpen Your Perception, Change Your Life
作者 / Amy E. Herman
簡介 / Visual Intelligence: Sharpen Your Perception, Change Your Life:藝術史學家AmyHerman知名的講座〈感知的藝術〉(TheArtofPerception),已經訓練了來自各領域的專家,在
ISBN13 / 9780544947122
ISBN10 / 0544947126
EAN / 9780544947122
誠品26碼 / 2681461955009
頁數 / 336
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20.1X13.5CM
級別 / N:無
