Game of Thrones Mask: White Walker | 誠品線上

Game of Thrones Mask: White Walker

作者 Wintercroft
出版社 PlanetDash Media LLC
商品描述 Game of Thrones Mask: White Walker:戴上《權力遊戲:冰與火之歌》的白鬼面具,那散發出的寒氣,將使眾人迴避!打破傳說與見聞的疆界,你行走在畏縮害怕的肉體之間,冰凍


內容簡介 戴上《權力遊戲:冰與火之歌》的白鬼面具,那散發出的寒氣,將使眾人迴避!打破傳說與見聞的疆界,你行走在畏縮害怕的肉體之間,冰凍人類的心臟與他們的心智。跟隨你緩慢步伐的是通靈的風暴,復活的腐肉大軍崛起。夜王寒冰般的撫觸,將使嬰孩枯萎,並且再生為冰凍不朽的蒼白藍光。這些是你的孩子們,你的戰友,你的屍鬼。大軍正在茁壯,耳語正在擴散,長夜隨著你的每一個步伐投射出更長的陰影。你是那變成尖叫聲的呢喃,你是那傳奇,那軍團,你 - 就是白鬼。本禮物書包含:飾有精美浮雕的書盒,12頁說明小冊,16頁可用手直接剝下的面具組合模紙,由此便可製作出立體面具以及可直接掛在牆上的面具。你只需要些許膠帶與膠水,便能拼出由知名紙藝製作公司Wintercroft向《冰與火之歌》致敬的精緻面具!Inspired by the terrifying creatures from the award-winning television series Game of Thrones, this official book contains a full-sized 3D White Walker mask and wall mount. Assemble it yourself from the beautifully illustrated push-out pieces, then wear it, mount it on the wall, or simply admire it. But be quick, the Army of the Dead is near. . . .


作者介紹 Wintercroft is an innovative paper engineering company. Its low-poly face masks have been seen on the small screen in Homeland and Big Brother, and the company teamed up with the “What If They Lived” campaign to raise awareness about the need to protect endangered animals. Wintercroft has also made masks for music videos by Björk, Nagisa Kuroki, Basement Jaxx, and Conchita Wurst.


書名 / Game of Thrones Mask: White Walker
作者 / Wintercroft
簡介 / Game of Thrones Mask: White Walker:戴上《權力遊戲:冰與火之歌》的白鬼面具,那散發出的寒氣,將使眾人迴避!打破傳說與見聞的疆界,你行走在畏縮害怕的肉體之間,冰凍
出版社 / PlanetDash Media LLC
ISBN13 / 9781524799113
ISBN10 / 1524799114
EAN / 9781524799113
誠品26碼 / 2681505954005
頁數 / 44
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 29.8X26CM
級別 / N:無
