Unbelievable (Movie Tie-In Ed.) | 誠品線上

Unbelievable (Movie Tie-In Ed.)

作者 T. Christian Miller/ Ken Armstrong
出版社 Penguin Random House LLC
商品描述 Unbelievable (Movie Tie-In Ed.):【真實性侵案改編】Netflix影集《難,置信》OnAugust11,2008,eighteen-year-oldMariereportedthatamaskedmanbrokeintoherapartmentnearS


內容簡介 Netflix 影集《難,置信》【真實性侵案改編】她是性侵受害者,選擇勇敢報案,卻被警方一狀告上法庭……★榮獲2016年普立茲新聞獎、波克新聞獎★入圍2018年英國犯罪作家協會非文學匕首獎決選★入選《Stylist》2018年度必讀書單★Netflix改編影集《難,置信》全球熱播!「此報導檢視並揭露長久以來執法部門對強暴案調查之失敗,以及對受害者創傷之不理解等令人震驚的真相。」──普利茲新聞奨讚詞十八歲的瑪莉向警方通報被陌生人性侵,卻飽受質疑。因為她的語氣像在演戲,感覺只是想獲得關注;她的說詞矛盾反覆,肢體語言和反應都不像是無辜被害人。最重要的是她改口了──「沒有。我沒有被強暴。」瑪莉被以「謊報」罪名控告,淪為社會唾棄的說謊者。二〇〇八年到二〇一〇年,美國華盛頓州和科羅拉多州發生連續強暴案。兩地警方對待強暴受害者的態度及查案作為截然不同──華盛頓州的林伍德警局把強暴受害者瑪莉當成「謊報」的騙子,將她告上法庭;但在另一頭,科羅拉多州的兩名優秀女警蓋博瑞斯和韓德蕭,則奮力自不同地區的連續強暴案中尋找蛛絲馬跡,追捕強暴犯。兩地事件起初看似無關,但直到整合鑑識線索,才揭露這些強暴案竟是同一人所為……本書的兩位作者皆為獨立媒體資深記者,他們在二〇一五年開始共同調查這樁連續強暴案,發表〈難以置信的強暴案〉(An Unbelievable Story of Rape)報導,榮獲二〇一六年普立茲新聞獎、波克新聞獎。以此報導為基礎,米勒和阿姆斯壯更深入採訪事件相關人士,查閱美國性侵案件數據資料,增加側寫強暴犯以及合力逮捕他的執法人員之篇章,寫成此書。書中詳盡描述犯罪現場細節,但未過度渲染,也未對受害者外貌和經歷進行主觀評判。他們逐步揭露關於瑪莉「謊報案」的錯誤質疑與謊言,以及美國司法長期對強暴案抱持歧見的歷史根源,企圖打破社會刻板印象的「完美受害者」迷思。本中文書介出自《謊報: 一樁性侵案謊言背後的真相 (Netflix影集 難,置信 真實事件)》馬可孛羅文化事業股份有限公司出版"


作者介紹 T. Christian MillerT. Christian Miller joined ProPublica as a senior reporter in 2008. Before that, he worked for the Los Angeles Times, where he covered politics, wars, and was once kidnapped by leftist guerrillas in Colombia. His first book, Blood Money: Wasted Billions, Lost Lives, and Corporate Greed In Iraq was called one of the “indispensable” books on the war. He teaches data journalism at the University of California at Berkeley and was a Knight Fellow at Stanford University. Ken ArmstrongKen Armstrong, who joined ProPublica in 2017, previously worked at The Marshall Project and Chicago Tribune, where his work helped prompt the Illinois governor to suspend executions and empty death row. His first book, Scoreboard, Baby, with Nick Perry, won the Edgar Allan Poe Award for non-fiction. He has been the McGraw Professor of Writing at Princeton and a Nieman Fellow at Harvard. They have both won numerous awards, including a 2016 Pulitzer Prize for their article ""An Unbelievable Story of Rape,"" written for ProPublica and The Marshall Project.


書名 / Unbelievable (Movie Tie-In Ed.)
作者 / T. Christian Miller Ken Armstrong
簡介 / Unbelievable (Movie Tie-In Ed.):【真實性侵案改編】Netflix影集《難,置信》OnAugust11,2008,eighteen-year-oldMariereportedthatamaskedmanbrokeintoherapartmentnearS
出版社 / Penguin Random House LLC
ISBN13 / 9780593135792
ISBN10 / 0593135792
EAN / 9780593135792
誠品26碼 / 2681790483006
頁數 / 304
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20.3X13.2X1.5CM
級別 / N:無
