Do Not Say We Have Nothing | 誠品線上

Do Not Say We Have Nothing

作者 Madeleine Thien
商品描述 Do Not Say We Have Nothing:1991年的加拿大,10歲的Marie母親的遠親到家作客,她是一位名叫Ai-Ming,經歷天安門事件而逃亡的中國女子。故事隨著Marie及Ai-Ming的朝夕相處


內容簡介 加拿大文譚耀眼新星Madeleine Thien一鳴驚人之作2016年曼布克文學獎決選入圍名單「好比一首道盡苦難與救贖的曲目。」--《英國衛報》1991年的加拿大,10歲的Marie母親的遠親到家作客,她是一位名叫Ai-Ming,經歷天安門事件而逃亡的中國女子。故事隨著Marie及Ai-Ming的朝夕相處,Ai-Ming決定告訴她一個關於從四九饑荒到文革,再到六四天安門事件的血淚故事。故事中的三位主角來自上海音樂學院,包括害羞、極具天分的作曲家Sparrow、小提琴神童Zhuli,及有如謎一般的鋼琴家Kai,故事中的人物遭受中國革命歲月的變遷與折磨,而這些故事也深深牽引著主角Marie及Ai-Ming。作者認為儘管隨著人群的流徙及遷移,各地的歷史相互交織,無論東西方都會相互影響,歷史所帶給人們的力量與變化,都非常值得省思與探討。 WINNER OF THE SCOTIABANK GILLER PRIZE 2016. SHORTLISTED FOR THE MAN BOOKER PRIZE 2016 AND THE PARAGRAPHE HUGH MACLENNAN PRIZE FOR FICTION 2016. In Canada in 1991, ten-year-old Marie and her mother invite a guest into their home: a young woman who has fled China in the aftermath of the Tiananmen Square protests. Her name is Ai-Ming. As her relationship with Marie deepens, Ai-Ming tells the story of her family in revolutionary China, from the crowded teahouses in the first days of Chairman Mao's ascent to the Shanghai Conservatory in the 1960s and the events leading to the Beijing demonstrations of 1989. It is a history of revolutionary idealism, music, and silence, in which three musicians, the shy and brilliant composer Sparrow, the violin prodigy Zhuli, and the enigmatic pianist Kai struggle during China's relentless Cultural Revolution to remain loyal to one another and to the music they have devoted their lives to. Forced to re-imagine their artistic and private selves, their fates reverberate through the years, with deep and lasting consequences for Ai-Ming - and for Marie. Written with exquisite intimacy, wit and moral complexity, Do Not Say We Have Nothing magnificently brings to life one of the most significant political regimes of the 20th century and its traumatic legacy, which still resonates for a new generation. It is a gripping evocation of the persuasive power of revolution and its effects on personal and national identity, and an unforgettable meditation on China today.本書中文書介出自《Do Not Say We Have Nothing》GRANTA BOOKS出版


書名 / Do Not Say We Have Nothing
作者 / Madeleine Thien
簡介 / Do Not Say We Have Nothing:1991年的加拿大,10歲的Marie母親的遠親到家作客,她是一位名叫Ai-Ming,經歷天安門事件而逃亡的中國女子。故事隨著Marie及Ai-Ming的朝夕相處
ISBN13 / 9781783782673
ISBN10 / 1783782676
EAN / 9781783782673
誠品26碼 / 2681421204000
頁數 / 480
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.8X12.9CM
級別 / N:無