Human Acts | 誠品線上

Human Acts

作者 Han Kang
商品描述 Human Acts:【★2024諾貝爾文學獎、曼布克國際文學獎】Winnerof2024NobelPrizeinLiteratureand2016TheInternationalBookerPrize.以《素食者》(TheVegetarian)躍上國際文壇


內容簡介 【★2024諾貝爾文學獎、曼布克國際文學獎】Winner of 2024 Nobel Prize in Literature and 2016 The International Booker Prize.以《素食者》(The Vegetarian)躍上國際文壇、備受矚目的韓國小說家韓江2014年南韓充滿爭議的暢銷作,2016年英文版問世!1979年,南韓總統朴正熙遭暗殺,陸軍少將全斗煥發動政變。1980年,民眾發起民主化運動抗爭,卻遭到軍隊鎮壓,造成多人嚴重死傷,包括自願尋找遭殺害的示威者屍體、卻慘遭槍殺的15歲男孩……全書圍繞南韓的光州事件,描繪受害者、家屬與身邊人們的遭遇與心境:不管是Dong-ho傷心欲絕的母親、Dong-ho的好友、反抗審查制度的編輯、囚犯,還是工廠工人,他們都各自活在創傷的痛苦回憶中。藉由他們的遭遇,記錄無法被遺忘的歷史事件,追溯鎮壓的殘酷現實。 全書分為七個部份,分別以不同角色的視角敘述,時間格局橫跨近三十五年,並以作者本人對光州事件與Dong-ho的反思,以及寫作本書的心路歷程作結束。書中描述的野蠻與殘酷直闖人心,卻沒有過度的濫情。作者探索殘酷的政治體制造成的創傷與人性,以情緒的深度,藉由犧牲者家人與朋友的回憶,將事件中遭到埋沒的聲音呈現在讀者眼前。Gwangju, South Korea, 1980. In the wake of a viciously suppressed student uprising, a boy searches for his friend's corpse, a consciousness searches for its abandoned body, and a brutalised country searches for a voice. In a sequence of interconnected chapters the victims and the bereaved encounter censorship, denial, forgiveness and the echoing agony of the original trauma. Human Acts is a universal book, utterly modern and profoundly timeless. Already a controversial bestseller and award-winning book in Korea, it confirms Han Kang as a writer of immense importance.


作者介紹 Han KangHan Kang was awarded the 2024 Nobel Prize in Literature. Born in Gwangju, South Korea, she moved to Seoul at the age of ten. She studied Korean literature at Yonsei University. Her writing has won the Yi Sang Literary Prize, the Today's Young Artist Award, and the Korean Literature Novel Award. The Vegetarian, her first novel to be translated into English,was published by Portobello Books in 2015 and won the 2016 Man Booker International Prize. She is also the author of Human Acts (Portobello, 2016) and The White Book (Portobello, 2017). She is based in Seoul.Deborah SmithDeborah Smith grew up in Doncaster. She has translated Korean books by Han Kang, Bae Suah, and Kim Haeja. In 2015 she founded Tilted Axis Press to publish anti-colonial translations from across Asia. In 2016 she won the Arts Foundation Award for Literary Translation. She has lived in north India since 2020 and is slowly learning her daughter's mother tongue. She writes on translation, whiteness, class, and sick women.


書名 / Human Acts
作者 / Han Kang
簡介 / Human Acts:【★2024諾貝爾文學獎、曼布克國際文學獎】Winnerof2024NobelPrizeinLiteratureand2016TheInternationalBookerPrize.以《素食者》(TheVegetarian)躍上國際文壇
ISBN13 / 9781846275975
ISBN10 / 1846275970
EAN / 9781846275975
誠品26碼 / 2681353774008
頁數 / 224
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.8X12.9CM
級別 / N:無


最佳賣點 : ★2024諾貝爾文學獎、曼布克國際文學獎,南韓作家韓江《少年來了》英譯本
