The Man Who Didn't Call | 誠品線上

The Man Who Didn't Call

作者 Rosie Walsh
商品描述 The Man Who Didn't Call:TheManWhoDidn'tCallbyRosieWalshistheperfectnovelforanyonewho'severwaitedforaphonecallthatdidn'tcome.Imagineyoumeetaman,spendsevenglorio


內容簡介 年度最佳愛情小說 所有曾守著電話、等待電話響起的人,都可以瞬間了解的真實告白! 試著想像(或者不用想像根本就已經親身經歷過),你遇見一個人,你們一起度過了七個完美的日子,他說他很久之前就訂好了機票要去一場短旅行,保證到了機場會打電話給你,但他的電話卻始終沒有到來…… 朋友們都叫你忘了他,但你想這其中一定有什麼原因,一定有什麼事發生了! 可能是手機不見了?被偷了?沒電也沒帶行動電源?還是已經愛上另一個人了?或者根本就已經遭遇什麼不幸了? 最糟的結果是什麼?是單純他不過已經愛上另一個人?或者是他發現了你從來沒有告訴過別人的秘密?The Man Who Didn't Call by Rosie Walsh is the perfect novel for anyone who's ever waited for a phone call that didn't come.Imagine you meet a man, spend seven glorious days together, and fall in love. And it’s mutual: you’ve never been so certain of anything.So when he leaves for a long-booked holiday and promises to call from the airport, you have no cause to doubt him.But he doesn’t call.Your friends tell you to forget him, but you know they're wrong: something must have happened; there must be a reason for his silence.What do you do when you finally discover you're right? That there is a reason – and that reason is the one thing you didn't share with each other?The truth.


書名 / The Man Who Didn't Call
作者 / Rosie Walsh
簡介 / The Man Who Didn't Call:TheManWhoDidn'tCallbyRosieWalshistheperfectnovelforanyonewho'severwaitedforaphonecallthatdidn'tcome.Imagineyoumeetaman,spendsevenglorio
ISBN13 / 9781509828302
ISBN10 / 1509828303
EAN / 9781509828302
誠品26碼 / 2681731383006
頁數 / 352
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.7X13X2.8CM
級別 / N:無
