The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart | 誠品線上

The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart

作者 Holly Ringland
商品描述 The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart:九歲的愛莉絲‧哈特和父母親一起生活在海邊,溫柔的母親喜歡對著花說話,而粗暴的父親總是會對母女倆拳打腳踢,愛莉絲只能靠著花兒們的陪


內容簡介 九歲的愛莉絲‧哈特和父母親一起生活在海邊,溫柔的母親喜歡對著花說話,而粗暴的父親總是會對母女倆拳打腳踢,愛莉絲只能靠著花兒們的陪伴度過困境,偶爾會想著要如何把愛發脾氣的父親丟入火堆中。一場災難降臨愛莉絲家中,父母親不再可以照顧她,愛莉絲沒有選擇只能被送去跟祖母同住,而在第一次踏入祖母的花卉農場前,她從未見過祖母,甚至根本就不知道祖母的存在。祖母的花卉農場不單單只是個農場,而是收留了許多跟愛莉絲一樣無依、受傷的女孩們。某天,長大後的愛莉絲發現了一個意想不到的秘密,她深感受到背叛,完全不能接受,於是她逃離祖母的農場,一路逃到澳洲的沙漠。最後愛莉絲找到了一個國家公園管理員的工作,領養了一隻小狗,過著一個跟以往完全不同的生活,但也是在這裡,愛莉絲找到了內心的平靜與快樂。作者荷莉‧倫傑蘭出生在澳洲,小時候就生活在母親種植的花草中,在她九歲時,有兩年的時間跟著父母親一起住在露營車中,造訪了北美各大國家公園,這是她的第一本小說。Flowers, fire and fairy tales are the elements that will forever shape nine-year-old Alice Hart's life, in The Lost Flower's of Alice Hart, the international bestseller by Holly Ringland. Alice Hart lives in isolation by the sea, where her mother's enchanting flowers and their hidden messages shelter her from the dark moods of her father. When tragedy changes her life irrevocably, nine-year-old Alice goes to live with the grandmother she never knew existed, on a native flower farm that gives refuge to women who, like Alice, are lost or broken. In the Victorian tradition, every flower has a meaning and, as she settles into her new life, Alice uses this language of flowers to say the things that are too hard to speak. As she grows older, though, family secrecy, a devastating betrayal and a man who's not all he seems, combine to make Alice realise there are some stories that flowers alone cannot tell. If she is to have the freedom she craves, she must find the courage to possess the most powerful story she knows: her own.


書名 / The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart
作者 / Holly Ringland
簡介 / The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart:九歲的愛莉絲‧哈特和父母親一起生活在海邊,溫柔的母親喜歡對著花說話,而粗暴的父親總是會對母女倆拳打腳踢,愛莉絲只能靠著花兒們的陪
ISBN13 / 9781509859849
ISBN10 / 1509859845
EAN / 9781509859849
誠品26碼 / 2681588826008
頁數 / 336
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 13X19.6X2.7CM
級別 / N:無
