Understanding Tarot: Discover the Tarot and Find out What Your Cards Really Mean | 誠品線上

Understanding Tarot: Discover the Tarot and Find out What Your Cards Really Mean

作者 Liz Dean
商品描述 Understanding Tarot: Discover the Tarot and Find out What Your Cards Really Mean:與塔羅大師麗茲‧迪恩深入理解塔羅牌的神奇力量終極牌義解析,啟發靈性直覺塔羅牌是


內容簡介 與塔羅大師麗茲‧迪恩深入理解塔羅牌的神奇力量終極牌義解析,啟發靈性直覺 塔羅牌是由一系列的秘密符號所組成的占卜方式,至今已有600年的歷史,幫助人們在不斷變化和混亂的世界中找尋人生的方向及意義,至今仍是大受流行的占卜方式之一。透過塔羅大師麗茲‧迪恩的詳盡指導,由紙牌上繪製的古老象徵符號激發直覺,透過牌面的隱喻走入真實的生命。人生總是充滿這些問題:這是一份會令我鴻圖大展的工作嗎?我會找到真愛嗎?未來該何去何從?我會幸福嗎?書中透過每張卡片的詳盡解析,學習閱讀卡片中呈現的個性、事件和關係,幫助讀者充分發揮塔羅占卜的功用。如果你準備步入塔羅之旅,本書的目標除了讓讀者得到這些基礎資訊,引領入門;假如你已深陷塔羅的魅力,本書的洞見及豐富的神祕學象徵,或許能激發靈感火花,走入更深邃的覺察之中。Uncover the mysteries of the tarot with this comprehensive guide from tarot expert Liz Dean.The Tarot is a secret system of symbols that has been used for almost 600 years, and is becoming increasingly popular today as people look for meaning and reassurance in our ever-changing and chaotic world. This form of spiritual counsel can be used to seek answers to life’s key questions: “Will I find success in my chosen career?”, “Will I find true love?”, “What does the future hold?”, and “Will I be happy?”. This book empowers the reader by revealing the knowledge that each card brings, and how each reading can give a dynamic understanding of events, personalities, and relationships. With ten specific spreads to follow, along with sample readings and an extensive interpretation for each card, tarot expert Liz Dean gives you the confidence to approach the cards holistically. Freed from concentrating solely on the meaning of individual cards, you will begin to see them as a story or journey of life that gives you a clear picture of the past, present, and future.


作者介紹 Liz Dean teaches at Psychic Sisters within Selfridges department store in London and is the author of several tarot decks and books, including the official HBO Game of Thrones Tarot, The Magic of Tarot, and The Golden Tarot. Liz’s work has been featured in the Daily Mail and the Express online, as well as the magazines Spirit & Destiny, Kindred Spirit, and Fate & Fortune. She lives in Sunderland, UK.


書名 / Understanding Tarot: Discover the Tarot and Find out What Your Cards Really Mean
作者 / Liz Dean
簡介 / Understanding Tarot: Discover the Tarot and Find out What Your Cards Really Mean:與塔羅大師麗茲‧迪恩深入理解塔羅牌的神奇力量終極牌義解析,啟發靈性直覺塔羅牌是
ISBN13 / 9781782497257
ISBN10 / 1782497250
EAN / 9781782497257
誠品26碼 / 2681696426008
頁數 / 160
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21X17CM
級別 / N:無
