Bird Messages: Includes 52 Specially Commissioned Cards and a 64-Page Illustrated Book | 誠品線上

Bird Messages: Includes 52 Specially Commissioned Cards and a 64-Page Illustrated Book

作者 Susie Green
商品描述 Bird Messages: Includes 52 Specially Commissioned Cards and a 64-Page Illustrated Book:鳥語之書:收錄52組特製卡片及64頁全彩插圖每隻鳥兒述說著鼓舞人心及心靈慰藉


內容簡介 鳥語之書:收錄52組特製卡片及64頁全彩插圖每隻鳥兒述說著鼓舞人心及心靈慰藉的美麗鳥語,引領我們窺見生命的意義無論是翱翔天空或是唱著甜美的歌聲,可愛的鳥兒總是感動我們,這本鳥語之書將美麗的鳥兒幻化為圖卡,搭配智慧的文字,成為心靈慰藉的最佳收藏書籍。52組精美的圖卡以特製的紙盒收藏,內容來自這些令人驚嘆的生物最美麗的訊息,帶領我們向上及持續前進。藍山雀唱著動人的歌,鼓舞你為自己勇敢發聲;英勇的游隼指導你把握當下;藍冠短尾鸚鵡用細細輕輕的嗓音勸服你達到萬物無我的境界;善於交際的椋鳥則幫助你在人際關係中找回勇氣並達到目標。隨附的內容則詳細介紹每一張卡片的完整說明,並展示如何閱讀每一張卡片。無論經歷什麼艱難的時刻,打開這些療癒的鳥語卡片,為人生找尋全新方向。 Birds captivate us, soaring through the sky and singing their sweet songs, and here this beautifully illustrated book and card set reveals their hidden wisdom and messages of spiritual guidance.We have always been fascinated by birds, watching them and trying to attract them into our gardens. Each of the 52 exquisitely illustrated cards in this unique boxed set includes a message from these amazing creatures that speaks to our heart and shows us the way forward.With her cheerful song, tiny Blue Tit encourages you to find your voice, while Peregrine Falcon teaches you to seize the moment. Hanging Parrot counsels you to surrender to universal flow, while sociable Starling inspires you to achieve your goals by finding strength in social community.The accompanying book gives a full explanation of each message, as well as showing how to lay out the cards for a reading. Whether you use the cards for affirmation or for divination, you will be amazed at the insights you gain.


作者介紹 Susie GreenSusie Green is the author of the bestselling Animal Messages, published by CICO Books, and has written extensively about pets and their wilder cousins for British national newspapers the Guardian, the Daily Mail, and specialist animal magazines. She lives in Kent, UK.


書名 / Bird Messages: Includes 52 Specially Commissioned Cards and a 64-Page Illustrated Book
作者 / Susie Green
簡介 / Bird Messages: Includes 52 Specially Commissioned Cards and a 64-Page Illustrated Book:鳥語之書:收錄52組特製卡片及64頁全彩插圖每隻鳥兒述說著鼓舞人心及心靈慰藉
ISBN13 / 9781782496625
ISBN10 / 1782496629
EAN / 9781782496625
誠品26碼 / 2681586861001
頁數 / 64
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 17.2X14X4CM
級別 / N:無
