The Curious Bartender's Guide to Gin: How to Appreciate Gin from Still to Serve | 誠品線上

The Curious Bartender's Guide to Gin: How to Appreciate Gin from Still to Serve

作者 Tristan Stephenson
商品描述 The Curious Bartender's Guide to Gin: How to Appreciate Gin from Still to Serve:吧檯後的調酒巨星TristanStephenson全面揭開琴酒迷人的秘密全面收錄各大琴酒品牌及以


內容簡介 吧檯後的調酒巨星Tristan Stephenson全面揭開琴酒迷人的秘密全面收錄各大琴酒品牌及以琴酒為基底的創意雞尾酒酒譜「真的很難靜下心閱讀這本作品,巴不得馬上衝進酒專挑選最棒的琴酒小試身手一番!」─《華爾街日報》一同發現製作琴酒的非凡之旅,從中世紀作為草藥使用到琴酒的商業化,從18世紀倫敦琴酒的黑歷史到黃金時代,琴酒絕對是幫助你更能享受當下的烈酒,也是酒類愛好者的最佳選擇。過去幾年,全球激增超過百家專門釀造琴酒的品牌釀酒廠及微型獨立酒廠,生產出許多出色及高超釀造技術的產品,甚至以植物性混合物調配出新品種的琴酒。由獲獎無數的調酒大師Tristan Stephenson帶領熱愛琴酒的讀者,發現最新品種琴酒製作過程及製酒科學,其中更少不了以琴酒為基底的實用雞尾酒酒譜,包括經典馬丁尼、內格羅尼、琴蕾、飛行、馬丁尼茲和新加坡司令等,簡易明瞭的說明,讓你在家也能輕鬆成為職業調酒師。"I found it hard to stay put while reading; I constantly wanted to leap up and strike out for a liquor store to test my new knowledge." Review of The Curious Bartender's Gin Palace, The Wall Street Journal.Join the gin craze with this captivating introduction to the world of gin, plus recipes for perfect gin cocktails, brought to you by award-winning bartender and bestselling author Tristan Stephenson.Discover the extraordinary journey that gin has taken, from its origins in the Middle Ages as the herbal medicine “genever” to gin’s commercialization. From the dark days of the Gin Craze in mid 18th Century London to the golden age that it is now experiencing.In the last few years, hundreds of distilleries and micro-distilleries have cropped up all over the world, producing superb craft products infused with remarkable new blends of botanicals. In this book, you’ll be at the cutting-edge of the most exciting developments, uncovering the alchemy of the gin production process, and the science. Follow Tristan's expertly honed recipes and to enjoy a Classic Martini, Negroni, Gimlet, Aviation, Martinez and Singapore Sling at home.


作者介紹 Tristan Stephenson is an award-winning bar operator, restaurateur, author, and co-founder of Fluid Movement, a globally renowned drinks consultancy. His books The Curious Bartender Volume 1: The Artistry & Alchemy of Creating the Perfect Cocktail and The Curious Bartender’s Gin Palace were both shortlisted for the André Simon Award. Tristan lives in Cornwall, UK. You can follow him at @trisstephenson.


書名 / The Curious Bartender's Guide to Gin: How to Appreciate Gin from Still to Serve
作者 / Tristan Stephenson
簡介 / The Curious Bartender's Guide to Gin: How to Appreciate Gin from Still to Serve:吧檯後的調酒巨星TristanStephenson全面揭開琴酒迷人的秘密全面收錄各大琴酒品牌及以
ISBN13 / 9781788790390
ISBN10 / 1788790391
EAN / 9781788790390
誠品26碼 / 2681586854003
頁數 / 208
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 18.6X12.3CM
級別 / N:無
